
Monday, December 11, 2023


The seam was pressed and red bear print flannel backing was loaded on the longarm.  I also pressed the blue flannel for the other I Spy quilt and it is ready to have the seam sewn.  Maybe I can get the batting and top loaded and the machine threaded today.  Hopefully I will also be inspired to turn on the machine and do the quilting.

I had 3 sessions of hand sewing on the binding of the batik star quilt and now 3 sides are finished.  One long side to go.

Two readers alerted me to the name of the Kaffe quilt in yesterday's post, and yes it has been published in his books.  I hadn't noticed the pieced border on the earlier quilts.  It is his "Rosy" quilt and each one has a different name referring to the color of the quilt.  The 3 quilts in "Glorious Patchwork" aren't made with his fabrics because they wrote that book while he was only designing the yarn dyed woven stripes.  It is also in "Quilt Road" with stripes used. In "Kaffe Quilts Again" and "Quilts in an English Village" with the border changed.  I haven't looked through the hard cover books to see if it is in any of them.


  1. I thought your backing fabric was one that I have and now that I see more of it I can tell it is one that I have. I really like it and I have used several pieces of it in the NYB and still have a nice size piece left to use

  2. Great work on the "little" quilts--they are getting to the done stage...
    We had gobs of rain last night, but no leaks thank goodness...there are trees and lines down around us, but we came through ok...
    40 right now and dropping--a cold front blew in on the tail of the rainstorms...and quite windy will be a treadmill day inside...
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. You certainly have made good progress, not only on getting ready to machine quilt but also on that delightful binding. Are you seeing dotted circles in your sleep?!

    If you can believe it, we have had 3.19" of rain from 9a yesterday to 7a today and awoke to more than a dusting of snow (but not by much!).


  4. I enjoy seeing your photo’s of progression. Lately I’ve been checking in before my morning walk and it helps to stir up my energy to get my day rolling. So much to get done with Christmas growing nearer each day.


  5. You are getting way ahead on your December finishes! Way to go Wanda!

  6. You are going to have so many finishes for December! I got 2 more veterans quilts quilted today and only 2 more to go.....until the meeting tomorrow when I expect there will be a new stack!

  7. Small steps are getting you there! That’s great you only have one more side to sew on the star quilt. The library has the Modern Slant book so I put in a request for it.


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