
Thursday, December 21, 2023

Packages mailed............

I finished the baking and got the packages packed and mailed by 3 p.m.  I didn't even have to stand in line at the post office.

Last night I started playing with a few border pieces.  The first border is 3" finished squares and the outer border 2" finished squares.

Rather than making long strips of squares to attach, I will make blocks of 2 - 3" squares and 3 - 2" squares and attach them as I sew the rows together.  I have lots of cutting to do so this project will stall for a few days.

My longarm quilter dropped off another quilt she quilted for me and I'll show that soon.  I have a Christmas stocking to make for my newest great-grandson before I do anything else. 


  1. Always is good to have mailed out packages:)))
    I like your border idea... that will look great...
    30 here this morning and sunny again...the skies are a brilliant pink color...
    We are in a cold trend for the next few days...
    Good luck making that stocking...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. I bet it is nice to get those quilts done and ready to gift on to others when you wish. I believe you had said some have been waiting to be quilted for a long time. I finished the quilt on the frame last night but won't get around to taking it off the frame until much later today - we have more baking to finish up today before we divide it all up and then into the freeze some will go and we will have our snacks made for the next several months at this rate.
    the nine patch is looking good.

  3. It was nice to enlarge these photos and really see the beautiful prints in this piece. It’s gong to be another special quilt top for sure. A Christmas stocking for new baby and then are you already for Christmas ? It’s been a whirl wind for so many of us this year. But your days seemed extra busy as usual.


  4. Applause for all you accomplish and how sweet to get to make a Christmas stocking for a new little someone. Remember to make it large enough to hold lots of goodies in the decades to come!


  5. This quilt top is turning out so well . . . having your deep stash has to help you as you're making choices! And I like the idea of turning the border strips into blocks - easier for webbing.

  6. The colors are so refreshing to look at and think about plants growing outside. I love all the variations and shades.


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