
Wednesday, December 13, 2023

# 3 finish for December 2023............

I finally got the batik star quilt up on the double design wall.  The batting is Quilter's Dream cotton that I had a package of and it was thicker than I usually use so the quilt is heavy.  I finally resorted to using a chair to support the weight of it while I got the first 5 pins in the top edge and then it was pretty easy the rest of the way across.  It measures 73" x 99" now.  I forgot to take a photo with the backing showing so I'll add that photo later.

I took this photo while it was waiting for its portrait.  You can see the quilting that Robin did on it.  I still believe that meandering is the most evenly distributed quilting design and that it doesn't add an obvious secondary design to compete with the piecing.  This quilt was made of all batik scraps in the stars and although each block is the same layout, the value changes make them look like a variety of block patterns.  The triangles are 2" finished size.

I trimmed I Spy 2 and cut the binding and started sewing it on all by machine.  This is a kids' quilt and the binding needs to be sturdy.  I have a couple sides to finish the stitching on and then I'll photograph it. 


  1. I really love the color contrast you achieved. Thank you.

  2. your right the quilting doesn't compete with the design and color! It looks great and wherever it goes it will be loved

  3. I thought Quilters Dream was one of the thinner battings. What do you usually use that's thinner?

  4. STUNNING STARS ! To say the least, it’s a sensational work of art ~ just love it. And to get it hung on the wall for us to see is a feat in itself . Thank you for sharing all the progress on that went into this one.

    Looking forward to seeing ‘I Spy 2’ up on the wall also.


  5. Your batik stars certainly shine out with that meandering quilting, Wanda.
    Such a lovely large quilt...nice work...
    42 degrees here and sunny.
    I had my visual field test this morning and did fine--altho' I really hate doing the test--eyes watering, things going dark and light!! UGH!! Will not be doing any close work today after's done for another year yay!!
    Hugs, Julierose

  6. The star quilt is beautiful! It reminds me of a kaleidoscope. Congratulations on another finish!

  7. Beautiful quilt. Thanks for pointing out how the different values in the fabrics make the stars look varied. I'm still learning!

  8. Another beautiful quilt! I always love the look of batik quilts.


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