
Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Second finish for November..........

The binding is done and I'll measure it later.  This one was 88.5" x 107" before quilting.  I'm 61.5" tall so it is going to be a stretch to get it up on the double design wall.

This shows a few more of the fabrics.  I really like a lot of them.

This photo of the quilt top was taken in 2020 when I finished sewing it.  The colors are truer in the photos above. It was 9" wider than my double design wall so the top corners are turning back.  Most of the fabrics are from the late 1990s.  The backing was purchased at a deep discount because it wasn't selling but I always liked that combination of flower colors on a gold background color.

I may have to just take photos of these last 2 finished quilts on my carpeting.  I can move the couch to make a space large enough.  My guest bed is piled with wallhangings so it would take a day of moving things to take photos of each of them on the queen size bed and then you would only see a portion of the quilt.


  1. What a gorgeous quilt! It looks like the petals/leaves have just fallen and landed on the quilt.

  2. One of my favorite patterns! Ours is on our king bed sideways because we only had a queen when I made it.

  3. really amazing when you see the whole quilt design

  4. Love it and the combination of fabrics. Those fabrics may be older but that quilt is timeless.

  5. Magnificently elegant ! ! ! So happy you chose these two last ones to finish up. I can see the hours you put into each one and what a show it has been to see both complete.


  6. Such a gorgeous TAW quilt, Wanda--I love those older fabrics--I miss being able to find any like them these days--altho' we do have some lovely ones, too..

    Only 29 early on this morning--Tom is blowing leaves and finishing up mowing them for the last clean-up...I am making twice-baked potatoes to go with our bbq steak dinner tonight...I did my food shop early on this week and consider that my walk for the day...

    I saw a Vee of geese (a skein, I think?) on my way into the grocery wheeling across the sky with the last bird honking to cheer them on their way...What a lovely sight--feels like Winter is upon us now...
    Hope to finish the webbing today--hugs, Julierose

  7. What a lovely quilt and those fabrics play wonderfully together. The black on the perimeter is a perfect frame for the center, too. My mother always said that every room needs a touch of black somewhere. What a wise decision to have this machine quilted for you.

    I am 61.25" tall!


  8. What a great design! But 107" -- wow.

  9. I can't remember what this type of Trip Around the World quilt is called, but I love it! My very first quilt was a TAW - I'm sure it was hideous, LOL! I didn't know anything about color, and was working on my own from a book. (This was in the early 70s.)

  10. Take a picture the easiest way. No need in taking a chance of getting hurt.

  11. Congrats on two big quilt finishes! This one is a beauty.

  12. It's just amazing! I LOVE the fabrics and the movement they create. Well done!

  13. Kudos to you, Wanda, for the creativity in these quilts, but also for making such large beauties.

  14. Such a treat to see the photos of your quilts, I wouldn't be able to tackle quilts so large so good for you! I'm having a restart on a baby quilt at the moment, haven't been able to get to my computer for a few days now so trying to catch up reading the latest posts.


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