
Thursday, November 16, 2023

How about a no guilt free day?.................

I really needed a day (or more) away from the red quilt so I pulled these 2 project boxes off the shelves so I could see what was actually in them.

I knew there were lots of straight strips leftover from previous quilts but was surprised how wide some of them were.  The widest are 4.5" and there is a good size stack of them.  The plastic bag at the top right is full of fairly small pieces of Marcia Derse fabrics collected over several years after making eight quilt tops with those fabrics. 

I pulled a few scraps out and played with them but didn't get excited enough to sew anything out of them.  I had fun looking through the boxes though, and then the day was gone......


  1. Amazing how one can fiddle a day away just playing with fabric!

  2. My circle of friends call those recharging days. Sometimes we need several of those in a row! That's when you get to call it a vacation!

  3. It's great to have a "playday" once in a while--good for you!!:)))
    45 here this morning--the temps didn't go much below that overnight,
    Today we will take it easy--finally no early morning appointments...we've had a string of those in the past two weeks...quite tiring when you are used to easing into the days....hugs, Julierose

  4. A non-project day can recharge your creative batteries!

  5. Well that looks like good fun to me. There's nothing like a dose of scraps a day to keep the blues away!

  6. We need a no nothing day every now and then and yet you sorted through those fabrics filing hours of memories I’m sure. And all so organized in your marked containers.


  7. Ah, looking at those strips and bits is good fuel for your creative imagination! In the near future, you'll wake up with an idea for the perfect quilt that will need these fabrics! Yum!


  8. I was happy to hear that you at least pulled out fabric and played with it . . . because I don't think you could survive through a day without some contact with your lovely stash. Quilting is in your blood sister!

  9. What fun fabric to play with! We all need time to relax.

  10. Playing with scraps is pure medicine for the spirit.

  11. it is fun sometimes to just go through the fabric and see what we have or the patterns and then find out you don't want half of them anymore and pass them on


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