
Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Organizing progress..............

I got the batik orphan blocks grouped into matching sizes and used little clips to keep them together.  There were a few oddball size blocks between the sizes too and maybe some of them can be trimmed to match the smaller size.

There was a stack of 4.5" blocks too tall to clip.  Most of them are 4 patches, with a few plain squares and a few other pieced blocks.  They will make good filler areas whenever I get around to making an orphan block quilt.

I have 3 boxes of orphan blocks, 3 different types of fabric so I have a label in each box.  I ended up putting the other 2 types in a larger box too.

There is a lot of room to add more blocks and if I don't add any, there is a little more breathing room for the ones in there so they won't get wrinkled.

I used the smaller box that was now empty for flannel tumbler blocks that were cut in January 2022.  There are 2 sizes and they were in 2 smaller boxes, now in one.  I need to make some flannel quilts this winter.  I haven't made one since February 2022.  I gifted the last one I made to a great-nephew.

I got 3 of the batting pieces cut off the big roll and it still looks like the size it was when new.


  1. that is a lot of extra blocks to work with. When I saw your box of tumblers it made me think I might have a box somewhere too - heaven knows what is in all these boxes here!

  2. I look forward to seeing how the orphans regroup!

  3. I love flannel quilts! I made one for us a few years ago and used it yesterday as I was reading while it was cold and rainy.

  4. What a job it’s been with all your organizing… I know it had to make you feel so good to get them all it in their boxes and ready for whatever ~ whenever …

    A flannel quilt is like a hug when its on… (*._.*). Still loving ours.


  5. You got a lot of re-organizing of your orphan blocks done;))) Makes it easier to pick and choose which ones to use next;))

    I don't even know what the temp was early on today as, after our covid shots yesterday, we got hit with reactions....felt like we had a bad case of the flu
    actually! A bit better now, but still not right...will be napping on and off
    [Forewarned is forearmed];)))
    hugs, Julierose

  6. Perfect organization and a fresh look at the goodies therein are fuel for your wonderful imagination! Yum!

    I eagerly await what's next in your always interesting plans. :)


  7. Your straightening up looks great. It good to take the time to label so you don’t have dug to find what you’re looking for.

  8. It makes it so much easier to use the blocks when they are organized and you remember where they are and that you have them.


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