
Saturday, October 7, 2023

No decisions, just play..........

I had a lazy day yesterday.  The only sewing I did was the staystitching around the African/batik 16 patch quilt top.

In the last 3 weeks I have been cutting 2" squares of Kaffe fabrics plus a few others from scraps.  I cut a few more squares yesterday and then decided to put the pieces up on a small design wall to see what is missing to make a colorwash.  I will probably add non-Kaffe fabrics and make this larger.

It was a partially sunny day yesterday with periods of clouds and rain and high 40s and low 50s.  What a change after the 80s earlier in the week.  We got almost an inch of rain from 11:30 Thursday night through yesterday.  I'm looking forward to the sunshine today.


  1. Good job stay stitching the African batik piece!!
    I love seeing how you begin to set up your colorwash piece--lots of cutting for these...
    65 and gray this morning with heavy rains predicted for this afternoon...we shall see--the last few storms missed us with the heaviest of rains...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. It will be cooler here finally that will feel so nice! love all the bright colors

  3. It's nice to step back and play a bit every once in a while and I love your colorful wee squares! What shall they be used for?!

    Rainy morning here and all outdoors is dark and gloomy. I love puddles of lamplight. :)


  4. Stay stitching around your African piece and as you say playing with your 2” squares… is still production for a lazy day. You always produce beyond anyone else I know. And to take one day out years and years of cutting, creating, stitching and completing your works of art is well deserved.


  5. It will be fun to watch this piece evolve as you add to it. There was a quick light rain that rolled through. As I was walking out the Whole Foods store there was a double rainbow! I got a picture and will post it Monday. There wasn’t enough rain to even measure.

  6. Pretty cool here with a few periods of rain. Love the colors for a gray day.


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