
Saturday, October 21, 2023

Cool colors............

I am drawn to the warm colors more often so I thought it was time to make a cool color Kaffe Collective quilt.  I may add other fabrics if necessary.  I have already made the Seed Packet quilt from one of Kaffe's books and there is another quilt with fussy cut flowers in his "Themes" hard cover book.  It will probably take me a month to fussy cut all of the pieces I will need for both quilts.  I think the majority of flower fabrics will be blue with green and purple added in.

I visited my 2 great-grandsons and delivered the Amish Friendship bread yesterday morning.  I decided I should get a good mid-day photo of the tree across the street when I got home.  There are still a lot of green leaves in the center and bottom area but a lot of the gold ones have fallen already.

I'm hoping all three of my compact Burning Bushes will turn red before we get a heavy freeze.  This one is at the south east corner and it always turns first.  The other 2 are on the south side of the house and have just started to get some color.  This is their 3rd full year.


  1. The "cooler" colored flowers should be really pretty. Your tree is so lovely--so far, we have mainly yellows with a few orange tints--just small bits of red dotted about...59 here early this morning...up early with the birds this morning...hugs, Julierose

  2. Cool colors are soothing. Have you looked at the KF fabric collections offered by Quilted Twins? Excellent variety and they are starting a monthly KF fabric club. Affordable and fun. Thank you for your inspiration and posts. They are invigorating.

  3. No really pretty trees here at all. An occasional wimpy dark red/brown and a few beginning to turn yellow (more from drought than autumn color change). I enjoy seeing the photos you and others are sharing!

  4. wow that tree is so pretty. I have very little fall colors in my yard right now

  5. What a beautiful selection of cool blues ~ I love it already and you haven’t even started cutting it yet. But a good start just seeing the the fabrics.

    We are ahead of you with our autumn leaves… they’re falling fast and by Wednesday snow in the mountains predicted .


  6. What delicious blue/green/purple fabrics for your next quilt!

    The tree across the street from you is magnificent. Most of our trees are behind those in your area so far but our low temperatures Sunday and Monday nights are forecast to be 37*F, so that may bring more colorful leaves soon.


  7. Beautiful photo of the tree, I love it when the leaves begin to turn. we don't have a lot of foliage colour here at the change of season, very much evergreen trees. We once had a Liquid Amber in the garden, this one glowed. Bloomers pattern?

  8. Cool colors for winter, perfect! That tree is spectacular. Our maple is pretty this year but it's not as spectacular as it sometimes is. This year seems to be the year for red trees. Autumn is so beautiful.


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