
Sunday, October 29, 2023

Border strips and auditioning positions...........

All 4 border strips are sewn oversized so there will be some trimming when they are sewn onto the quilt top.  I wasn't sure if I was going to flip the top and bottom borders end for end but I think they look OK the way they are. 

I went out and harvested the green tomatoes late yesterday afternoon.  I threw away anything smaller than a golf ball.  The Rutgers and Big Boy tomatoes are a good size but have been green for so long.  I hope they will ripen.  I had good luck last year with them ripening and had my last tomato the first week of December.  I still have the 2 plants that I gave to my neighbor girl to pull out today.  Tonight is the beginning of the below freezing temperatures.


  1. Hello...beginner quilter here at
    Love your blog and will be visiting often!

  2. the more I see this quilt the more I luv it! A tip for your green tomatoes,you can slice them,lay them out on a baking sheet & flash freeze them ,takes about 10min then you can put them in a freezer baggie,take out as needed ,my husband lived fried green tomatoes & they always got ripe too fast & then his Aunt taught me this trick

  3. Just am loving that "coin" border...adds so much to the whole piece...nice work...52 degrees here and dropping fast with just sprinkles of rain out there; but, dark and gray again!! We are in for a lot colder weather this coming week...the Northern part of CT will be getting freezes--but we may not here at the coast...hugs, Julierose

  4. odd that our below freezing temps will start at the same time! I think it is starting tomorrow night for 3 nights we will be in the high 20's and then back up again for awhile
    That quilt with all the borders is certainly interesting

  5. What size will this be? If the units on the sides don't come out evenly do you worry about adjusting seams until the do, or do you just sew them on and trim the excess?

  6. A fabulous piece of art!

  7. Your new border strips are the perfect addition to this wonderful quilt. I love where your imagination is taking you!

    Our last tomatoes are small and green and haven't turned the least bit red in the last two weeks, so they're probably done for.


  8. Supreme Sunday post ! Your Elephants take center stage ! Absolutely state of the art piece Wanda. I can see all your hours spent on this one ~ it is a fabulous, beautiful creation !


    P.S. 10 degrees here this morning. And still lots of snow.

  9. Wow Wanda....that is all I can say xoxo

  10. Small still green tomatoes are great to pickle.


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