
Thursday, October 26, 2023

Border and sashing day..............

The next border is on the African elephant quilt.  There is at least one more border, the piano key type border of strip piecing leftover from another quilt.  It is 45.5" x 61" right now.

I finally cut the last 2 batting pieces off the big roll and removed the roll from my work table.  Now I can baste a larger quilt.

I decided to start sewing the tiger print sashing on the Bear Paw blocks and got 2 rows done.  This quilt will need a border after the sashing so I'll have to search through my stash and see if I have enough yardage of anything appropriate.

It was like a switch was pushed over the weekend.  Everything quickly turned color.  This tree had a lot of green leaves last week.

The Redbud trees turned from green to yellow overnight.  It was quite windy the last couple days and .6" rain yesterday so there are lots of leaves falling.  A hard freeze is predicted for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights next week.  I'll have to go out and collect all of the green tomatoes on the weekend.  


  1. That quilt has turned out utterly amazing!I like the bear claw as well

  2. One of my ginkgo trees just turned yellow overnite. Green yesterday, this morning, yellow. Love the bear paw quilt- so rich and lush.

  3. I have noticed here that just last week we had very little color and now the trees are turning. We will have cooler weather and wetter weather by the weekend it looks like.

  4. Love how those elephants came out, Wanda...and that sashing on the Bear Paws really looks so neat. Nice work;)))

    Our trees are showing brilliant yellows and oranges, but still a lot of greens around too. Our oak trees are the last to turn; our area is called "Oakridge forest" so, between those and our multiple cedars it's still mostly green...

    58 this morning and sunny once again--a lovely stretch of days -- according to forecast it will be unseasonably warm the next few days= high 70's. Enjoying these last warmish days before the real cold blows in...hugs, Julierose

  5. I love how the elephant quilt is growing and the tiger sashing on the batik Bear Paws is perfect. You're on a roll ... again!

    Our trees are turning slowly and those in your area are lovely.


  6. Great post today Wanda, the two quilts shown are so spectacular, your creativity is phenomenal ~ a great treat to watch them grow.

    Enjoy your autumn colors and if our snow storm heads your way it will soon be over…5” of snow and a high of 27 degrees all day yesterday. This is an early snow fall for us even living in the Mountains.


  7. The bear paws are really looking fabulous! I love your choice in sashing fabric. Quick question Wanda... what is your process for adding sashing when not using cornerstones? Yours looks perfect and I sometimes struggle with that. Thank you!

  8. I really like where both of these quilts are heading. I love the tiger print sashing for the bear blocks. Also, that tree is spectacular!

  9. Looking forward to seeing the finished photo of the African Elephant quilt.The tiger print sashing around the Bear Paw blocks fits in beautifully.

  10. Beautiful quilts! You are such an inspiration---and I love the pics of your yard.


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