
Tuesday, October 24, 2023


I didn't look any farther; I liked one of the binding choices in the first round.  I got it sewn on and have started the hand stitching.  The hanging sleeve is sewn on too.

This is the orientation of the other colorwash as I designed it.  

When my daughter was here we tried it horizontally and thought maybe that was a better choice for art over a piece of furniture.

I put the leftover piece of backing fabric there to analyze whether it might be a good binding choice.

I flipped it 180 degrees to see if I like it this way better.

Originally I was thinking about facing it rather than binding but if I need a long hanging sleeve I think I would rather do binding.  All of these questions running through my head are holding up the finishing on this one.

I have one lonely Pansy that made it through the summer.  The chipmunk had fun digging in this pot more than once.  Most of the plants couldn't take the heat and died.  I moved the pot with snapdragons up there last week on a day I thought we might get a frost.


  1. beautiful colorwash quilt,pansies don't like warmer weather here either,they are more of a winter survivor

  2. Such a lovely colorwash piece. I like it horizontally--that lighter area seems to sweep across so nicely.
    My one pansy didn't fare well this year...but my petit marigolds are still in bloom--and I thought they'd not even flower as I had sown them from see,
    Only 39 this morning; bright and sunny out there.
    hugs, Julierose

  3. Your colorwash quilts just keep getting more beautiful. I am contemplating planting some pansies this year. Deer love to eat them, but with two dogs, maybe they won't bother them.

  4. wow, I like that colorwash in either direction! it is a beautiful piece

  5. Your colorwash quilts, their backings, and the binding on the 1st one work so well together. Isn't it nice to find the perfect binding when you first look rather than having a prolonged hunt for it?

    I wish I knew what weather to expect in the winter months as last year I could have had pansies almost all the way until May.


  6. I like the colorwash with the light swirling across instead of one place in the center.

    I've had issues over the years with something (raccoons? toads? cats?) digging in my pots. I've saved up quite a stash of fist-size or a bit larger rocks to put in the pots next to the plants. It seems to have worked, this year I didn't have any plants dug up. I hope I didn't just jinx myself for next year :-)

  7. Featuring your two Colorwashes today is a treat for my eyes. Love them both ! Your surviving pansy looks as fresh as springtime.


  8. I am partial to the vertical color wash (instead of the horizontal). And hooray for the binding decision/progress.

  9. I see your reasoning that the horizontal orientation would be a better fit over a piece of furniture, your colorwash pieces are always a joy to see whichever way they're displayed.By the way I love your backing fabruc.


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