
Saturday, September 9, 2023

A good day............

It was cloudy and cool (high 60s) yesterday morning so I mowed my front yard.  My neighbor mowed his the day before so now mine matches his.

After that I trimmed this quilt.

I found a 1 yard piece of this stripe to do the binding.  You can see by the block below it, that it is in the quilt.  It's probably one of my least favorite of Kaffe's stripes so I will be happy to use 1/2 yard of it.

Last night I didn't want to think hard about anything so I did some mindless sewing.  This is enough strip sets to make the first 28 African/solid 16 patch blocks.

Overnight we were down to the high 50s, cool enough to put a quilt back on the bed, windows open wide.


  1. We're 62 here this morning. I may need a sweater!

  2. It's always nice to be able to find a use for fabric we don't love. I'm glad you're getting some nice weather. We are hopeful that we will cool down a little next week if the cold front makes it this far.

  3. How nice that your temps are coolish--we are still in that heat wave!! 76.9 and 75 DP--another day for AC for sure!!
    I've slept in this morning so still at the coffee stage....
    hugs, Julierose

  4. I woke up to 63 degrees so the windows came open this morning for at least a little while before the higher 80's will come back but one can tell the temperatures will weekly get better now - next week we might have some nights in the 50's and that will really feel nice.

  5. I agree it was a good day…. deciding on a binding is progress.~ and I bet its cut and pieced already as I write. And its going to make perfect binding.

    And my, oh my, your African and solid piece look like more fun ahead. And nothing mindless about those.


  6. So glad you are getting some relief from the hot weather…we are still in the 90‘s with high humidity here in Virginia. Had back to back days at 100 this week…first time that has happened in eleven years! I think we are predicted to have some cooler weather end of next week. Hope that happens!
    Looking forward to seeing your quilt all finished…even though the stripe is not a favorite of yours, I think it will be perfect for binding this quilt.
    Hope your cooler temps continue!
    Sandra B

  7. What a great quilt and that less than loved binding fabric will certainly be perfect for binding this quilt.

    An on to 16 patch parts already? You're on a roll!

    Today is our 1st day of cooler weather and it's appreciated. Now if only the humidity would disappear so breathing would be easier.


  8. That stripe will look good for the binding. The weather is cooler but the humidity is still in the 75% range.


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