
Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Another backing, maybe............

I didn't want flowers for the back of this Kaffe yarn dyed woven stripes quilt and searched for enough yardage in the Kaffe Collective fabrics.  I have enough for one length of the blue/green Caladium leaves and there is a half width and long enough piece of the houses left over from another backing.

This is how it would be seamed on the back with one seam top to bottom.  I'm not sure about the houses so I'll think about it and keep looking.

I have about 30" left to hand stitch on the binding so it should get done today.



  1. Backings can be a tricky puzzle. When you find the right fabric, it is not enough to work. If you find enough to work, it isn't the right color/prints/style.

  2. I like how the caladium leaves seem to want to cover those houses at the seam line...backings are always tough, I think. Sometimes I just ignore what the front is and make a totally different backing so I can flip it over for a different look.
    76.4 here with 74 DP==like a sauna out there ;(((
    --We are having intermittent showers and some rumbles of thunder in the distance but no big downpours here.
    Only 0.01" of rain...

    I will be making a few pages ready for my Caravan gluebook...and perhaps binding my "Joy" runner today...I have some household chores to do first though.....
    They always seem to interrupt my crafting "flow" hahaha
    hugs, Julierose

  3. I'm not sure about the house fabric either. I like the pattern, the grid-ish layout goes with the stripes on top. Color-wise, it seems too white/red, too harsh(?) compared to the rest.'s the back. And it would get rid of another chunk of fabric gone from the stash, room for new fabric is never a bad thing!

  4. Me too agree ~ the Caladium leaves and roof tops don’t seam compatible. But I know you will make it work if you decided to use them together.

    30” more and its another quilt finished…. That always photographs so pretty.


  5. Love the leaf fabric and how it works with the quilt but also think the houses are jarring. Hope you find another fabric to go with the leaves for this quilt's backing and hope it's fun looking for that other fabric! You'll know it when you see it. If you go with the house print, hey, it's your quilt! :)


  6. I like variety in quilt backs but I also like them to "go." And I think the houses will work better in a different project. I'm sure your stash will yield something!

  7. I really don't like the houses with the beautiful caladium leaves. Too much white on the roofs.

  8. The Caladium fabrics looks so good with the top, the houses really stand out and I love that design but wonder if something quieter would go better with the Caladium.


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