
Monday, July 31, 2023

Trying to catch up.............

Since I didn't do much on the Fonthill inspired quilt on Saturday I was playing catch-up yesterday.  I made 15 more pinwheels, sewed the single row border on all 4 sides and then did a layout for the 2 side borders.  I have misplaced a stack of 20 mostly blue pinwheels (note to self: NEVER move anything to a new place).  Rather than turn on every light in the house last night looking for them I decided to wait to today.  Instead of searching I sewed together the right side double pinwheel border (no photo).  My goal was to finish this top by the end of the month.  Will I make it?  I'm not sure.

As I returned from picking up the Sunday newspapers from the driveway I noticed the yellow Moss Rose is in full bloom.

I'm going to check this morning to see if that one white flower is on the yellow plant or if there is a separate plant.  I remember there was a yellow bloom that looked like it was on the white plant a couple days ago.

The first Marigold is starting to bloom and I see one more bud.

Later I was out and there was a bloom on my Nasturtium too.  I forgot to go back out and photograph it.



  1. Yellow Moss roses are so pretty!! I don't have any Marigold blooms as yet-
    Much cooler this morning--64 degrees with 59 DP--actually chilly--but very welcome change...
    Fonthill is really looking beautiful--what lovely shades you have there...
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. that quilt looks so pretty I love it.
    I used to have some of those moss roses but hadn't planted them in a long time. Some of them would comeback every year for awhile and then stopped.

  3. I had to laugh when you said never move anything somewhere new. I know exactly how that can slow progress.

  4. I must say, each addition you add to this awesome quilt is sensational ! The hours you have spent working on this quilt ~Then having to look where you misplaced the pinwheels I’m sure is frustrating. That seems to be part of my life anymore ~ looking for things, I just knew I had put in a certain spot and it wasn’t there. Some times days of searching goes by.

    I have my DMV appointment on Wednesday and I can’t find my postcard with the information I need to take to renew my license.


  5. The quilt is growing beautifully. Glad you made it through the storms and power outage. We had a lot of rain on Saturday, but everything was fine. The temps are cooler and the flowers are deep watered. I forgot to plant nasturtiums this year, duh.

  6. My mother used the Latin name Portulaca....which would be a great name for a moss-rose quilt! Fonthill is gorgeous. I've been telling you that nearly every day!

  7. Look how much Fonthill has grown!!! Applause, applause!
    What sweet moss roses. :)


  8. Fonthill is absolutely gorgeous. It's so annoying when something you've just handled suddenly disappears. I hope they turn up in time to finish this top today.

  9. The quilt top is looking fabulous! The moss rose is so pretty! Those were some fierce storms you had.

  10. Fonthill is looking fabulous! I have no doubt that you will have it done by the end of the month. Glad you weathered the storm OK too!


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