
Monday, July 3, 2023

Rain, finally.................

Finally our area got some rain, over an inch.  In Chicago and suburbs however they had as much as 9" of rain  Since the ground is so hard and dry it didn't soak in and it flooded streets and highways.  The first ever NASCAR street race was in Chicago Sat. and Sunday so there were delays and in the end they had to shorten the main race to be done before dark.

In the pot I planted Nasturtium seeds.  There were 13 seeds and I think I got 6 or 7 plants out of them.

My friend Patty sent me some Marigold seeds in a Christmas card.  I couldn't decide where to plant them so in the end I put them in this long narrow planter.  It looks like I will have a good crop.

The Zinfin Doll Hydrangea has started setting its buds.  After this nice rain and some sunshine I expect them to start opening into beautiful blooms.

After the rain cleared out I went to the backyard and dug out 2 huge weeds that were in the flower beds.  The bell shaped blue flowers are blooming all over.  I will start pulling out some of them later this week.

Last night I sewed sets of 4 for the next 10 pinwheels for the Fonthill quilt.  

I need to press 2 backing fabrics and cut one batting today.  It is supposed to be 90 degrees on Tuesday so it might be a good day to quilt something.


  1. Reading about your industrious activities I was inspired to get into my sewing room. It hasn’t seen much of me for several years. It’s too muggy to go outside to do any gardening. Take care and continue producing lovely quilts. I have enough fabric to last several lifetimes.❤️

  2. glad you got rain but wish it would have soaked in a bit - I saw on the news the flooding in Chicago and wondered if you got some of it.
    I planted nasturtium seeds in between all the tomatoes, so far no flowers but they are growing. I did plant kind of late and they were slow coming in.

  3. It is so muggy this early morning--dew point is already at 74!! Hazy sun out there--feels like you cannot catch your breath--so AC for me today.

    I hope to get my Pavement blocks sewn into a small topper this morning. Not too sure about the placement--but I have decided it is what it is !!:)))

    I transplanted some of my marigold seedlings and they are doing if they can only get big enough and blooming to ward off those critters eating my day lily stalks!!!:(((
    Hugs, Julierose

  4. Our older son and wife were stuck in the Chicago airport for nearly 18 hours due to flight cancellations and delays from Sat into Sunday. They finally purchased new tickets and flew to Minneapolis to fly to their final destination in Iceland (they missed the first day of their tour/cruise). They had sent us the NASCAR map while they were waiting. (and they left the terminal and went for deep dish pizza). Hooray for rain but whatever happened to gentle rain showers?!!

  5. We had a gully-washer in the wee hours last night with thunderous thunder and daunting lightening. All with a 13% possibility of rain so the weather team has egg on their faces today!
    The heat index here is 107*F with more storms likely before 10p. Time will tell.
    I'll be interested to see your new pinwheels in due time.
    Enjoy the 4th!


  6. Those weeds are invasive campions. You're going to have a super hard time getting rid of them. They have a reputation. Burning them is not going too far and still they sometimes come back. Have fun!!

  7. The heat and humidity will make this marigolds grow fast. I swear mine are growing so fast I can see the difference overnight. Too bad the rain didn’t come slow and easy. We have been lucky here but the humidity could get dialed back a bit.


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