
Tuesday, July 18, 2023


That is what I did yesterday...nothing.  I guess quilting that biggie earned me a day off.  I didn't even go to the basement and look at the quilt.

All of my looking was outside, taking in the beauty in the back garden.  As much as I complain about the purple bellflowers, they do add a lot of color to the garden.  The Black Eyed Susans are a great contrast with the purple.

Bellflowers, Black Eyed Susans, Purple Coneflowers bathed in sunshine.  It was a beautiful day yesterday, mid 70s and dropping humidity.

I will be pulling these all out when they are done blooming.  They pull out really easily.

In the front garden the Zinfin Doll Hydrangea is getting bigger.  This is year 3 for it in this spot.  The blooms start out white, then have a mix of pink and white and eventually are all pink and deep rose.

One of the re-seeded Moss Roses is blooming.

I haven't planted the red shaggy Coneflower yet.  I need to move that Moss Rose in the photo above because that is the spot where I need to put this.

The Nasturtiums and Marigolds are doing well in their planters.  I don't see any buds yet.

And then there is the sad news in this front garden.  The Japanese Beetles attacked my large green and purple Coral Bell.  I didn't see any bugs on it so I hope they are going to leave it alone now.  They have also found my Cannas and have destroyed several large leaves already.

I did make some lists yesterday, cutting that I need to do from specific fabric groups.  Maybe I'll get to that today along with trimming the big quilt and cutting the binding.

This morning is my pacemaker check up with the device specialist and a visit with the Pacemaker Dr.


  1. I like the phrase “I did nothing all day, I didn’t finish, so I will do more nothing tomorrow”

  2. I don't know how you accomplish as much as you do. You deserve a day off now and then.

  3. Hoping all goes well with your doctor’s appointment! Thank you for the pictures of your beautiful garden!

  4. Certainly hope the Dr. has wisdom and skill in knowing what needs to be done. The lush greens with color pops of flowers looks very calming. Glad you took the day off to relax.

  5. Moss roses are one of my favorite plants. They seem to tolerate our heat and fill out nicely. I hope all goes well at your checkup.

  6. Hoping all goes well with your appointment today; good that you took a day off--nice to rest and recharge...your flowers are so pretty--that hydrangea is really coming on so well;)))
    74 her witha 72 DP--muggy AGAIN! I wish we could have a spate of cooler less humid days...hugs, Julierose

  7. Japanese Beetles - BAH HUMBUG!!! Hoping the dr. visit/tests go well and you come home with good news. SO glad you took a day to just "smell the flowers." We all need that once and again.

  8. hope all goes well with the pacemaker and you won't need that battery replaced. Sometimes we need a lazy day looking at plants and sitting around not really doing much of anything!

  9. In Florida we are limited to the kinds of flowers that will give us such gorgeous blooms. Hope things go well with your pacemaker check.

  10. A "nothing" day can be refreshing! Hope your appointment goes well.

  11. Wishing positive thoughts for your appointment today ~ its one appointment that I know you will be glad to get behind you.

    Enjoyed seeing all your blooming plants but the work those beetles did to your Coral Bell was staggering to see. I can
    imagine how you feel about those bugs. Is there a spray or dust that would stop those beetles ?


  12. You have some lovely color around your yard! This year, the Asian beetles decided to attack my basil plant. We have a trap hung by our hibiscus and they seem to be leaving that alone. We have a can of soapy water by the basil plant and invite them for a swim whenever we see one. Hope your appointments go well today.

  13. I applaud your choice to do no sewing and just enjoy yourself. We should follow your good example.
    What a lovely garden and I love the bell flowers! Do you know their botanical name?
    Hope you're home and that all went well with your pacemaker check.


  14. My pots and garden struggle in this extended heat. We hope for rain this weekend. I wish many of your plants would grow here. Next year I will expand the natives in the garden. But I need my son to help me tear out some poorly chosen shrubs. We’ll see.

  15. We all need a “do nothing” day now and then….between your quilting and gardening, you work hard, so you deserve periodic rest days!
    Hope you get a good report from your pacemaker doctor!
    Sandra B

  16. We all need a day to just do nothing once in a while. Hope your doctor appointment goes well. It is good to enjoy the beauty of all your hard work in the yard. It’s all going to fade too quickly so enjoying it now is important.


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