
Monday, July 24, 2023

Border strips sewn...............

The second and third border strips are sewn together but not sewn on the center/first border.  The top and bottom purple/red borders fit but the side strips are about 1/4" short.  I should be able to ease that in.  I'm not sure if those corner squares are the ones I will use.  In the book they are a light value. I think maybe these are a little too light.  I won't know if the pinwheel borders fit until I get the purple/red border sewn on.

I also sewed all four of the 5rh border strips.  The 4th border is the stripe fabric again and there are huge pinwheels at the 4 corners of the small pinwheels and stripe fabric borders combined.  I have enough pieces cut for 3 of the huge pinwheels, need to cut the 4th one today.

After I mowed the other half of the front yard and the side yard I checked out some of my plants.  I love the multicolor leaves on this one.

Here it is again in the top right.  My Hairy Alumroot Coral Bell is to the left.  It is huge and it is the last to send up flower stalks.

The low growing Sedum in the bottom right is the one I was complaining about earlier this summer because it had yellow clumps in it.  I dug up the other one and a friend took it.  Now this one looks perfectly fine.  I guess that is what happens to it over the winter and then it recovers.

There are some good sized tomatoes on the $1.50 Rutgers plant.  The other plant has a few too.  The third bargain priced plant is a Big Boy and it has 7 tomatoes growing on it.  The only thing ripening however is the Sun Gold cherry tomatoes.  This is the same thing that happened last year, a bunch ripening the last 2 weeks of June and then a lull.



  1. The borders look terrific. It is really growing. I had a couple of cherry tomatoes ripen over the weekend. Lots of green ones.

  2. that piece is looking so nice with all those triangles. My tomatoes had a lot ready at first then few and now some plants are loaded again and others look done

  3. I can see why you were being cautious about making your borders fit, but it's going together beautifully. The bargain tomatoes you rescued are showing their gratitude.

  4. That lovely flowered border really pulls all those triangles together nicely.
    This is coming together so well...
    Your plants are thriving...we have a cloudy (smokey?) sky this morning and the
    dewpoint is up to 72 with a 75.2 degree temp--so not too comfortable out there.

    I cannot get myself moving on the quilting front lately; you'd think after getting Helga back I would just jump right in--but feeling a bit unsure about what direction I want to go in...
    hugs, Julierose

  5. Love the coloring on this quilt. Love the triangles, the borders, and the pinwheels. Just love it. Very well done.

  6. The designing and the units have taken all the time for this beauty. The assembly will be a snap by comparison. (=Good planning.)

  7. So enjoying the growing process of this piece. And looking forward to the additions ahead.


  8. What wonderful progress you're making on Fonthill and it must delight you (as it should)! I agree that the light corners in border 2 are too light to hold their weight. Hope you can find a stronger fabric for those corners. Might the dark batik with dots make an interesting pattern in the four corners?

    Your garden plants are certainly thriving beautifully!


  9. I agree too, those corner squares fade right away.I know you'll find the right combination, and what amazing progress. Your tomatoes are thriving.

  10. Your Fonthill is looking amazing and the first border fabric was the perfect one wasn't it, holding in the colourful hsts beautifully.Second hst border makes everything pop, it's glorious!

  11. The Fonthill top is looking wonderful! That border with the reds, oranges, purples and pinks really ties it all together. Your plants look great! Mine are starting to suffer from a lack of attention. There are just no enough hours in a day lately.


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