
Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Pinks and oranges.................

I sewed roses and soft med. purples to the dark purple dotted batik yesterday.  Then I looked for some orange and red-orange fabrics to add.  In the photo I'm working on the dark single row borders first.  Any pieces not used in them might end up in the mix for the center section.

I keep looking at this batik trying to decide if it will work.  I'll probably go ahead and cut a strip of it and die cut some triangles.

I went out before noon to see what is blooming.  The yellow Evening Primrose is just starting to bloom.  Also called Cup of Gold.

The Annabelle Hydrangea in the backyard has lots of buds.  It always looks good until we get a hard rain and then it is all drooping down for most of the summer.

I remembered to take a photo of the red Weigela.  They do best in the middle of a yard where they can continue growing with their long branches.  I have a small yard so I need to trim mine back every year.

I planted Cannas in a pot again this year.  They are looking good so far.


  1. Triangles are looking so so good! -Roxanne

  2. Love the triangle color combos. I have a bunch of wonderful flowers blooming, but I am still trying to get all my perennials in. Two hours at a time is my limit.

  3. Love that pink/orange with the darker batik look;)))
    I tried cannas a few years ago and they just didn't take at all here---maybe I had them in the wrong place...
    Our skies are that awful sick-looking yellow from the smoke today--also when I went out to go food shopping-- just hopping in and out of the car made me start coughing----not good!! It's a bit warmer at 11:30 though--67 and calm winds...[No sitting out in this fug for me] hugs, Julierose

  4. Love the colors in the top photo and those delicious fabrics seem to give a nod to Halloween.

    Lovely flowers, too!


  5. Love your gold, yellow, pink, red candidate. It is so charismatic. Fun watching Font Hill growing.


  6. That dark purple makes a fantastic contrast to all the hot colors. Your plants are all looking so beautiful! My Shasta daisies have lots of buds and the coneflowers are starting to bud.

  7. My sister-in-law once made a bargello quilt. She showed me the fabrics beforehand, oranges, purples and reds. In my thoughts all that I could see was the ugliest quilt ever. Why would you pick these colors, but when it was finished it was amazing. One of the prettiest quilts I've ever seen.


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