
Friday, June 16, 2023

Looking back.............

I didn't make any progress worthy of a photo on current projects so I thought I would dredge up some photos of blocks waiting to be made into a quilt.  There are around 160 blocks of these neutral color batik 16 patches.  All that is holding me back is whether to make a huge queen or king size quilt or two throw quilts.  This one is from October 2018.

This group of Bear Paw blocks is just waiting for narrow sashing.  I had decided this was the final layout and numbered and took down the rows.  I have the idea of using a stripe for the narrow sashing and just haven't taken the time to look through my striped fabrics.  This one is from October 2021.

This one is from 10 years ago.  All of the blocks are made. 2 columns are sewn together and the last 2 columns need to be laid out and joining strips added.  Then the long vertical narrow strips need to be sewn between columns and at the 2 outside edges.

I have a bag full of Crooked Cobblestone blocks and this was the last time I had them out to play with them, 7 years ago.  I went down to the basement to check how many blocks are in the bag and it isn't where I used to keep it.  I have a label on my label list for Cobblestone Series if you don't know what these can be made into.

I haven't worked on my Farmgirl Vintage quilt since 2019.  All of my childhood was spent on a farm so this quilt (and book) appealed to me.  I know there are more blocks than in this photo so I should really pull them out and see what I have.

Today is supposed to be cooler, mid 70s, so I need to plant my new purchases.  We have only had .55" rain for the last month so I'm hoping I can keep the new plants alive.  They are already comparing this beginning of summer to 2012 which was extremely hot and very dry all summer.  We are already in the drought area.


  1. Oh, that you've looked back you need to move forward on all of these! (I'm trying to practice what I preach so don't like to look back too much)!

  2. I look forward to seeing the spikey one finished. The weather patterns are certainly out of control these days. Hope you get rain for your new plants.

  3. You have some lovely quilts in the making...isn't it funny how we stop somewhere in the middle of making things? All of these would make lovely finishes...I especially like the 16-patch ones
    Already 70 degrees at 8:30--I think the weatherman who said it should be cooler today, isn't to be trusted!! At least so far--but then clouds could come in along with that smoke and cool it off..
    Hugs, Julierose

  4. you have so many that are close to a finish I do remember you working on quite a few of these. I just read on the weather last night and saw a map that showed almost all of the US being hotter than normal this summer - I hope we will not be too dry too

  5. Wow. Lots of nice future quilt tops here.

    We're about 5" short of normal rainfall for May to mid-June, have gotten about the same amount of rain as you. I'm hoping that when it does rain, we don't get all that in one day. It's looking like the chances for weekend rain are getting lower again.

    At least today's cooler day than yesterday, and less smokey too. I better get the wire-brushing on a treadle base finished.

  6. That's quite an array in your parts department! I am especially intrigued by the "backgammon" blocks.

    Tuesday's rain brightened things up. I mowed yesterday!

  7. “Looking Back” is so fun to see. . . So enjoyed seeing each and every one enlarged, that always shows them off so much more .


  8. What a fun post to scroll through. With moving your fabrics from downstairs to upstairs and then onto shelves, I can well imagine a few things are not where they used to be. As to the sixteen patch blocks, I vote for two throw quilts instead of a huge queen/king.

  9. So many blocks, such little time! You certainly mined a wealth of blocks and ideas to move forward.

  10. I bought that stepping stones paper piecing pattern many years ago... probably at least six or seven years ago... and have never taken it out of the package. I should give that some thought. Was thinking of making it with KfC fabrics.

    I really need to sit down and make a list of things I've wanted to make and decide if I'm actually going to make them. Instead, I impulsively start a new project!

  11. I love the fabrics you chose for the Bear Paw blocks. It's a beauty. You've got some fun projects ready and waiting for your next surge of energy.

  12. What a glorious array of blocks and possibilities! I'd say, choose one, decide once and for all, search for needed fabrics (if any), and sew them together! Aren't they delicious?


  13. I am unsure what you mean re a label for crooked cobblestone blocks. Which category would I find it under. They look like a lot of fun and you make such inspiring quilts

  14. Looks like there is no shortage of choices! Maybe several could be quicker finishes to make your monthly goals.

  15. Looking through that stack of 16-patches makes me think I should go through my stash of brown and black hand dyes and make a bunch of those too. They would make nice veterans quilts.

  16. So good looking at your projects which need finishing up, my problem is with carrying out the quilt on my stack of tops! Two throw quilts would be a good ideal for your 16 patch I think.


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