
Tuesday, June 27, 2023

A nice cool day................

The first thing I did yesterday is turn on the iron and press all of the sewn parts for Fonthill.  Then I pressed 2 of the large pieces of fabric for one of the backings I showed yesterday.

I counted all of the pinwheels and the triangle squares that I have already sewn and then sat down to figure out how many I need and how close am I to the finish line.  IF my calculations are correct I need 150 pinwheels and I have 65 sewn, not quite halfway there.   I have 41 of the 112 center panel squares sewn.  I'm planning on having this top sewn together by the end of July.

I sewed another bunch of triangles for the narrow border strips in the afternoon.  I have 135 out of 160 sewn.

Then I switched projects and sewed the pieces for one row of zig zag for the green and white baby quilt.

The Annabelle hydrangea by my front door did OK after the rain we had Saturday night into Sunday morning.

This is the one in the back, beaten down by the wind and rain. The stems for the blooms are pretty fragile so they usually bend or break if I try to lift them up after a storm.

My tiny yellow Coneflower made it through the winter and although it is less than a foot tall, it has a couple more buds to open too.  I kept it watered well during our month without rain.

The red one like this that I planted last summer came up this spring but it looked like bugs were eating the leaves and then it disappeared.  I decided to get another one to plant in that same place.  I have been waiting until the ground softened after rain to plant it.  We have more rain predicted for Thursday through Saturday so I think I'll wait until next week to plant it.


  1. the plants look well for taking a beating from the storms. Some of mine are still struggling to stand back up after the one we had. I get a lot of bug damage to my purple coneflowers and sometimes the black-eyed Susan's as well - here I know it is the sticky white fly and it's residue it leaves behind that damages them

  2. Love the beginning of that zig-zag quilt--nice green shade...;)))
    My hydrangea hasn't set bud as yet even--but it is growing back after we lopped it off last year from its overgrown state...
    70 when we got up this morning and raining--off and on--of course "on" when i came out of the grocery store with full bags!! ;(((
    That being done--I can work on my last page background for my Rainbow Gluebook today and perhaps sew a few more Pavement blocks--I am not sure if the colors are playing that well together--will make some more to see...
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. Well done on the progress for Fonthill and it's good to do the math from time to time so you don't make way more than you need as I've done a time or two.

    Our hydrangeas haven't budded or bloomed yet, but then we had no winter when we would have cut them back.

    Pretty cone flowers! Mine seem to have been eaten by someone.

    We had a huge storm and lots more rain last night. 8 days of rain in a row.


  4. Love your design process, graph paper is the best. This is a great pattern for a large center panel.

  5. I love your little yellow coneflower! Glad it’s cooler there. It was cooler here but the humidity is awful. Patty the quilt lady

  6. By the end of JULY? You are so ambitious!!!


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