
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

A little sewing, a little doing nothing..........

Before the sun came around to the west side of the house, I sewed some pinwheels from the group of triangles I went through yesterday.

Then I baked some Aunt Ethel's Kringlas and shared with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law.  We had a nice chat on their screened in porch with a nice breeze flowing through.

I find it kind of strange that in a very dry early summer I have the earliest tomatoes I've ever had.  The large one is an Early Girl and the small one a 4th of July variety.  It was in the mid 80s, maybe warmer and I don't have the A/C running because it is not humid.  I may have to change my mind today because I didn't have much energy yesterday.



  1. Your triangles are coming together nicely!
    Happy to hear you had a lovely relaxing day...we all need some of those...
    gray skies here again and 61 degrees; food shopping morning for me...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. I think my tomatoes are ripening about the same as always I have my first batch of Marina Sauce in the crockpot and had 6 cups of chopped tomatoes now I have no ripe in the garden and will need to wait for more.

  3. Humidity is a silent energy sapper here. Your tomatoes are beautiful!

  4. Good to hear you’re taking some time just for yourself and family. And sharing your Kringlas too. And yet you managed to get some sewing in too.

    Your tomatoes look so delicious. JJM

  5. P.S. we had an over night low of 34 degrees and supposed to hit mid 50’s today…. Such an unusual spring/summer weather we’ve all been having.

  6. Looking delicious: both Pinwheels and tomatoes!!

    Wishing you all the energy you need today.


  7. Those are cute pinwheels! When I go for my walks at 6:20 am before I start work it has been humid. The cool mornings in the 50’s are ok but now the temps are getting in the 60’s. For me it is uncomfortable.

  8. Wow! I would be over the moon to have fresh tomatoes this early. Congratulations!


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