
Sunday, May 14, 2023

Happy Mother's Day............

A huge Mother's Day bouquet was delivered yesterday afternoon from my daughter's family.  It has an amazing variety in it.

What is the focal point in this photo?  I didn't see the squirrel until I got the photo to the computer because I was focused on the Rose Breasted Grosbeak.  This must be a young male because his rosy breast is barely visible.

I have been watching for the Grosbeaks and usually see at least one each year.  One year there were several of them.  The female isn't as recognizable but the beak is the giveaway.

A couple weeks ago I sent a little package of Australian fabric scraps to my friend Diane in NC because she loves to play with scraps. She makes a lot of potholders to share with friends and I hoped she would have fun with these scraps.  She surprised me and sent me my very own "O'Quilts Potholder". The words are a selvage from Marcia Derse fabric which she and I both love.  This is too pretty to use right away so I'll just enjoy looking at it for awhile.


  1. We haven't had any grosbeaks at our feeder but they are definitely in our area. We do have an occasional red-wing blackbird and an Eastern phoebe. Mostly finches of all varieties and cowbirds.

  2. During the spring of 2020, when my grandkids were locked down and I helped them Zoom with school, one day a flock of grosbeaks came to my oak tree to eat the little hanging stuff from it. We had never seen them before and spent the day enjoying the whole crew. Since then, we have never seen one. It was a real treat. Love the potholder with the remnant message.

  3. what a lovely bouquet of flowers - one daughter took me to lunch a couple weeks ago when she was here and the other one will be over later today

  4. what a lovely Mother's Day bouquet----and a pretty present from your friend, too--HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to you. My daughter and her boys (really almost men, now--but always boys to me hahaha) are coming for a bbq this noontime...
    hugs, Julierose

  5. Lovely Mothers Day post today Wanda, especially bouquet from Vicki and family. Fun nature photos and scrappy potholder from Diane in NC. Our Daughter and family are here from Seattle area for Moms day and are taking over the kitchen for 5 days. A real treat to be waited on.


  6. What lovely flowers to celebrate you on Mother's Day!

    The potholder Diane made using the OZ fabrics you sent her is wonderful, too, and the printed sentiment is perfect.

    We have cardinals, blue jays, finches, wrens, chickadees, thrushes, and squirrels visiting our birdbath.


  7. Looks like you've had a lovely day full of pretty things (except the squirrel!).
    No one I know deserves one more than you.

  8. Happy Mother's Day to you also. The flowers are pretty, and the wildlife photos.

  9. Lunch, lovely floral bouquet, and a nice visit with your grandson. Sounds like a nice Mother’s Day for you. And for him to gift his friends with one of your sweet baby quilts tells me he knows how to give a special gift.

    And you had time to stitch up more rectangle blocks.

    My daughters and son treated me with dinner ~ son was the ‘grill chef’ daughters and granddaughter made fantastic sides to complete the meal. It felt so good to do absolutely nothing but to enjoy the day.



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