
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Getting busy............

The end of the month is approaching fast and I needed a second finish.  I have finished 2 quilts every month so far this year.  I pressed the backing and loaded the quilt yesterday morning.

It was quilted by noon and trimmed late in the afternoon.  Last night I cut the binding and sewed it on and finished it by machine.  The top has a lot of early Kaffe fabrics, the result of 2" strips cut many years ago.  It is 38" x 52".

The border, backing and binding are Brandon Mably fabric (Part of the Kaffe Collective group).  Batting is Hobbs 80/20, Superior So Fine thread on top and Superior Bottom Line in the bobbin.

I was glad to find a stripe in the right colors for the binding.

I also cut the last 4 prints for the star block and paired them with solid color triangles that were cut a couple years ago.  I'm hoping to sew these 4 blocks and finish the layout of the quilt today.  I hope I also have time to sew the top together.

Several of my Peonies are in a shady area and the plant stays pretty small.  This is the only bloom on this one.

This is also a single bloom on a plant.

This is one of the larger plants with more blooms on the other side too.  It is a very pale pink.

This is a close shot of some of the blooms on it.  It is one of my favorite plants.


  1. When I get Hunter's Star done I need to think of what do do for a toddler quilt - that zig zag looks like a good one - it looks really nice - I might think of something like that or tumbler blocks - I know I have a tumble block die but I'm not sure what I have for the zigzag strips - I think I have a die that would work.

  2. What beautiful peonies--they look like over blown roses--so luscious:)))
    your finished quilt came out beautifully...
    Cooler today--only 52 this morning, but the sun is shining brightly--don't think coffee on the deck is going to happen today;(((
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. Oh wanda what a fun ‘exuberant’ quilt, its fabrics, border, backing, binding and all just terrific. Good to see its finish.

    And OMG your peonies are so pretty. When I think of my childhood, Mom’s peonies always comes to mind. Seeing yours brings back those memories.


  4. Oh gosh, I love this little quilt! There's nothing like a deadline, even if it's manufactured. :D

  5. Goodness gracious, you have been busy!!

    Love the Rail Fence quilt and it's layout in diagonal color rows. That must have taken some planning and careful sewing. Wonderful backing and binding fabrics, too, make for a stellar 2nd finish! Well done!

    Your peonies are lovely.


  6. The quilts are wonderful (congrats on the finish) but those peonies make me swoon.

  7. Hooray - at last I am back to reading blog posts!! LOVE this latest quilt of yours and interesting to pick out the older fabrics.Your creations always have me thinking 'yes, I would like to make one of these.' A big thank you for showing us your peonies, easy to grow when we lived in Christchurch but here in Auckland far too hot and humid. They're such beautiful blooms.

  8. It looks really nice and that backing is perfect with it. You’re doing great to get two finishes per month.

  9. Good for you to get a second finish for May! It is a beautiful, fun quilt too! Your peonies are fabulous! They are big too!

  10. Oh my goodness! Your peonies are so gorgeous! I really need to plant some. I just enjoy my neighbors'!


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