
Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Everything but sewing.............

I touched fabric but didn't cut or sew yesterday.  I started out by loading a baby quilt on the longarm. At the same time I was doing laundry.

I got busy outside in the afternoon.  I planted one large Early Girl tomato plant and 2 small Sun Gold tomato plants in the raised bed in the backyard.  One corner of the bed has rotted so I think this is the last year for the corners but maybe I can salvage the side boards.

I think this may be the first volunteer tomato plant in the raised bed.  I'm not going to plant anything else in there until I see how many volunteers come up from seed.  I left a lot of tomatoes in this bed at the end of the season.

I only got 2 tomato plants in the ground along the driveway.  This end gets afternoon sun. The plant on the left will be for my little neighbor girl.  I have 3 Hostas next in that bed in the area that is in the shade most of the time.  At the other end (to the right) I will plant 3 more tomato plants.  That area gets sun all morning.

Here is a view of my Weigela bush in full bloom, taken from the backyard direction.  It is really 2 bushes planted close together.  After it blooms I will trim it back pretty drastically because my neighbor mows this little side edge of my lot when he mows his yard.  It will be a lot easier for him to mow there when it is trimmed.

My pale pink Columbine in the back garden is in full bloom now.  I bought this plant from a plant sale by a local group about 15 years ago.  It was a good size plant with a big root base when I got it.  My other Columbines in the backyard have all died out.

After I got my planting done I went to the local hardware store for potting soil and ant poison.  My son gave me a gift card from there for Mother's Day.


  1. all the planting looks good. My husband had to replace a couple of the boards on one of the raised beds this year I'm sure it will happen occasionally now. That pretty bush in purple is so nice to look at the Weigela I have not seen any of them around here

  2. I just love that you plant a tomato plant for your neighbor girl. And there are days when sewing definitely takes a back seat to Mother Nature (awesome source of inspiration for when fabric is the focus).

  3. I have decided I want a Weigela "Wine and Roses" after seeing yours and those in the yards of other friends. Now for finding a location in direct sun!

    Like you, my energy is limited so I have to choose what gets done today and what waits until later. It's a bother but it is what it is.


  4. Good luck with your volunteer tomatoes--You should get a nice crop with the others, too...
    the Weigela is so pretty with those swooping down branches--

    [I have no idea what the morning temp was today--took DH for his procedure at the hospital; waited 4 hours and then drove him home--phew--we re bushed!!]

    It is 60 right now but very windy at 2 pm--I think we have a cold front coming to visit us overight...
    hugs, Julierose


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