
Saturday, May 6, 2023

Digging and potting..........

Since I finished mowing the yard on Thursday, yesterday was digging day.  My granddaughter called and asked if I had any Hostas to share.  There were several areas that needed digging so I got started.  The only question in my mind was do I take the Advil before or after the digging.  Even though it was my first time digging this year it went well.  There are 4 pots here.

This is 4 more pots.  One area was so crowded with all of the volunteer Lungwort plants so that was my first attack.  I threw away about 10 good size Lungwort plants.  I felt guilty doing that but I'm tired of trying to find people to give them to.  I still have many more that can be dug up if anyone volunteers that they want some of them.  I will dig 2 more varieties of Hostas today if all goes well.

My Bleeding Heart plant is big this year (see more Lungwort here?  It is everywhere).

It took 4 tries to get an in focus shot of the blooms.  There was a nice breeze yesterday, sunny and 75 degrees.

I cut some more half rectangle triangles and sewed some combinations last night.  This isn't very exciting so far.  I have more fabrics to add so I won't make any decisions yet.  The big blocks here aren't sewn together yet so things could change, like not matching the 2 diagonally across from each other.



  1. Hope you are not achey today. I can't bend to dig for another week, so I look wistfully at the garden.

  2. I'm happy you found a home for at least some of your extra plants. We got some much needed rain here last night.

  3. I have given up on sharing the plants too - I have so many and I have a hard time digging in some of the flower beds now. I have a lot of "monkey grass" around the front of the house and from the past winter of super harsh cold weather it looked like it was all dead but now it is all coming back but I had one area that I needed to dig out and can't it is so thick and a mass of roots that Mike is having difficulty with it also. We have big tree stump that needs to be ground out right there so seeing as that is scheduled we will see what is left when the man gets done with that.

  4. I like your white Bleeding Heart, so delicate looking compared to pink/red ones, we usually see.

    I’m seeing fun unique fabrics and pattern with your new project.


  5. Folks on our road sometimes put potted plants on the roadside with a "Free" sign and that is handy for passersby.

    Love the new quilt and I agree it will be more interesting if those diamonds aren't so matchy matchy. I look forward to seeing where your imagination and ideas take this quilt!


  6. Advil before or after, those are the right words for a session out there digging up hostas. Do the slugs eat the leaves? I have heard putting sawdust down means they cannot crawl through it.

  7. The Advil decision- well I can relate to that but with Excedrin. It was nice your granddaughter wanted the hostas. I dug up all those day lilies and just dumped them out back on top of my yard debris pile. Can you believe that they are growing?! Couldn’t give them away and they won’t die. Lol!!

  8. Finding homes for excess plants is a perennial problem (haha). Finding time to dig them up can also be a problem. I have to start cutting back on my garden areas. I just can't keep up with it anymore. And the crazy weather doesn't help.


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