
Wednesday, May 10, 2023

A little yellow added................

There are 4 pale yellows added to the mix now, left and middle on the top row and middle and right on the bottom row.  I did some pairing and counting last night.

Here is the batch I sewed last night.  Maybe one more night of sewing and then I can start playing with the layout.

Yesterday morning early I did some grocery shopping and then I became the repair person.  This handle on the freezer compartment of my refrigerator has come off 5 or 6 times in the last 18 years.  The first time the guy who sold it to me fixed it at no charge.  Due to health reasons that store closed and when the handle fell off the second time I had to call an appliance repair guy.  Minimum service call charge was $80 but he explained to me how to fix it and get it back on and I have been successful every time since (after about 20 minutes of frustrated working at it, manual in hand).  The handle was starting to come loose over a year ago but I decided to wait until it actually fell off to fix it.

My Cranesbill (or Hardy Geranium) with the lavender flowers is in full bloom now.  I saw one flower on the white one and one flower on the fuchsia one yesterday.

I have lots of these blooming too.  They love to grow in the cracks of the sidewalk where I can't get to the root.

My front garden will be officially 2 years old in June but that makes it the beginning of the 3rd growing season for the plants.  I need to plant something in the center of the middle front section.  I also need to dig out the Hosta in front of the Hydrangea bush.  I planted it there when the bush was smaller and the space looked so bare.  Now the bush is leaning on the Hosta.

This is my current favorite plant in the front garden; pink and green, what's not to love?



  1. I think a little, low Japanese maple would look great in that middle garden space- either a red leaved or lime leaved one. I can't believe it has been 2 years. Like the yellow sunshine you added to the blocks.

  2. Your front garden is looking so pretty--I agree--that pink and green plant is beautiful;)))
    57 here this morning and sunny once more--we've had quite a spate of lovely days,,,hugs, Julierose

  3. it can be frustrating when something goes wrong with an appliance even something like a handle! I'm glad you are able to fix it.
    The "new" garden is looking good

  4. Pink and green - yes! Liking the new yellows added to the pastel mix. Congrats on fixing the handle (again).

  5. Good to see the pale yellows added to your rectangles, looking forward to seeing the next layout with this one.

    Your front garden is wonderful, like one of your creative quilts, it has a meticulous glow.


  6. Love the soft yellows you've added to the mix for your new quilt!

    I'd suggest a dogwood as their branches are more sparse so the view from your front window would not be completely blocks. We have several Japanese maples and they are lovely but their dense foliage is something to consider. Do azaleas grow in your area?


  7. I like the yellow, and the suggestion for a Japanese maple. They grow very slowly so it wouldn't interfere with the window for at least 20 years. They are very pricey, though!

  8. Good for you that you fixed the handle. The front garden is so beautiful.

  9. Your yard and plants always look so nice - you take such good care of them!

  10. Oh how nice it is to have an appliance last that long! Nothing in our kitchen has lasted past 10 years.


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