
Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sewing pieces and parts.....................

When I cut the triangles for the Hole in the Barn Door/Churn Dash quilt I cut extras.  I sewed 98 of the squares last night.  I'll be playing with them on the design wall soon.

There were also some strips left that I didn't need for the border on that quilt so I sewed the last 5 strip sets.

I don' t know where I will go with these parts, it was just mindless sewing while I caught up with 3 TV shows I missed last week.

There were 12 tornados in IL Friday night but none in my immediate area.  60 miles west a roof collapsed at a concert hall during a concert and 35 miles northeast there was another that damaged houses and trees.  More possible severe weather coming Tuesday night.


  1. Such beautiful color prints! I am sure they will sing on the design wall. We had some high winds, but they went quickly.

  2. the storms this spring are starting out bad, I hope they won't continue like this. Here too though they are saying Tuesday might be bad again we will wait and see.
    Pretty fabrics you are using.

  3. I’m still enjoying yesterdays post, Wanda. . . All so beautiful ~ You don’t slow down for a minute, when it comes to creating another new one or two.


  4. Today’s post is a great example of one of the (many) big reasons I love your blog. Showing “unusual” fabrics IN QUILTS, demonstrating your great skill at using and enjoying them! -Roxanne

  5. Our TV showed the tornado in your area, so thankful you were safe.

  6. The light blue fabric is so different from the other Aussie fabrics, that one and the yellow really pop.

  7. I e been thinking about you with all of those devastating tornadoes. So glad to hear you are okay. I hope the next round of storms miss your area too.

  8. The wind howled briefly and that was it during the tornado-watch night. Glad you're okay, too. Several of your Australian prints are at home in my stash.


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