
Saturday, April 15, 2023

Mindless sewing..................

Yesterday afternoon I cut the large triangles for the Flying Geese blocks to match up with the leftover light triangles of Australian fabrics.  There are 50 here with another 30 or so left to assemble.  No plan for them right now, just mindless sewing because I was too tired to do anything else.

I forgot to take a photo of the other Lenten Rose until 7 p.m. yesterday.  I would call it green but maybe this is really considered a white flower.  Whatever color it is, it is pretty.

Yesterday morning I raked leaves onto the backyard grass and ran the mower over them for nitrogen for the grass.  There is more to do back there but I decided to mow half of the front yard instead.  

I did a load of laundry while I was in the basement cutting triangles and I can see there is another load to wash today.  I'll probably do more cutting while I'm down there.

Chicago has had three 80+ degree days in a row with one more predicted.  60 miles away in farmland country we had 79 a couple of the days.  Monday is predicted to be 42 degrees.....spring in northern Illinois.


  1. we almost hit 80 yesterday and to be near that again today and humid and now storms this afternoon of course - we need it though to wash the pollen out of the air and water the tomato plants.
    Some days we just don't get much sewing done

  2. Your Lenten Rose has the same color shading as my hydrangeas--sort of white-ish with tints of greens and rose. So pretty.
    Rain forecast today and 53 degrees--back to April weather for us after 3 "August-like" days of high 80's!! Okay by me;)) going to go for a slow park walk this morning...take care and stay safe--hugs, Julierose

  3. Mindless sewing can provide the seeds for interesting quilts. The landscapers were here yesterday to clean up and mulch. Now we need rain!

  4. Lovely mindless sewing! I like to make my Flying Geese (identical) 4 at a time as that fits so many blocks.

    Your Lenten Rose is so sweet.

    We had a thunderstorm and rain yesterday afternoon with more rain overnight. All is soggy!


  5. I’m glad there is more Australian fabric sewing. It’s so interesting! Beautiful flower! When I had an abundance of them I would put one or two in a vase just to enjoy close up! Roxanne

  6. Re: yesterday ~ your borders on your Australian fabric bars complete this piece perfectly.

    Such a pretty little blossom from your Lenten rose. With spring clean up in the works it does take time away from creating in your studios…. There is a certain pleasure of being outside and ‘primping’ up your gardens also, I know.


  7. The Australia fabrics just keep giving! I have some Lenten Roses that are white. I will have to post a picture. I had to turn my A/C on. It has been too hot for me!


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