
Friday, April 28, 2023

Cleaned up layout..................

The second layout from yesterday was the one I chose to clean up by getting the values in the right positions.  I was just surprised that this would form horizontal rows of stripes and rows of shot cotton solids.  I'm not too exited about working on this so these pieces may stay on the design wall for a couple days.

It was 67 degrees yesterday so I did grocery shopping and  finished mowing the grass.  Late afternoon I trimmed some of the dead leaves off the Coral Bell plants.  There is more to do there but it is a lot of bending or kneeling and lets face it, after 80 the spring is gone from the knees and its not a pretty sight watching me try to stand after kneeling.  I'll just tackle a little every day until its done.  Off and on rain predicted for 4 or 5 days so I might not get back to it soon.  Now maybe today I'll get down to the basement and quilt the quilt that is loaded on the longarm.



  1. I bought a Gardener's Kneeling bench that is a life saver for when I have to do weeding. Love your quilts.

  2. I agree with Barb about the kneeling bench. It is easy to get up with the support arms. I bought a second one to use in the house to get to the low cabinets. Liz

  3. Those blocks are intriguing. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with them. I hope you have a great weekend!

  4. We got my MIL a Gardener's Kneeling bench and she made good use of it for years. Now we use it! As she used to say, "I can get down on the floor, but getting up isn't pretty!"

    Hope you enjoy the time it takes to machine quilt whichever quilt is on the long-arm. Do you have music in the basement to keep you company?


  5. I've toggled back and forth to see the two layouts. The color shifts in this one are more pleasing. Yesterday was so nice! Our next-door neighbor bought himself a new electric mower and is having so much fun with it that he's mowed our lawn twice!

  6. What about alternating solids and stripes in the same hex block?

  7. Sometimes I sit on an overturned 5 gallon bucket. I can't get up and down without wobbling at times. My mind is capable of much more than my body. Those fabrics and colors are very rich.

  8. The hex pieces are interesting. I think once you get a design you are happy with it will be spectacular. I agree getting up is challenging! I hope that no one sees me because it ain’t pretty!

  9. I have 3 of the kneeling benches for working outside as Mike commandeered one of them and I keep one folded on the front porch close to what I do up there and one by the workshop to take to the garden with me - works out great let me know if you want a link.

  10. From Scratch is actually from Me - Karen, Wanda my daughter was using my computer while I was gone and didn't delete her information and I didn't notice that until after I replied to several blogs


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