
Monday, February 6, 2023


Yesterday was a day of rest and recharge.  So here is a post of miscellany.

In a recent order I added 1/2 yard of this fabric.  I don't have any idea how I will use it but I had to have it.

Here is the info on the selvage.  I love the variety of colors and the intensity of the design.

I recently ran across these trays of triangles, all Marcia Derse fabrics, 2" finished size.  I have accumulated more scraps since I cut these so I may continue cutting  while I decide what I will make with them.  I am so tempted to just make an all triangle quilt, all triangles marching the same direction.  By the time I have more cut I'll probably have another idea for them.

The red cactus bloom is the last on any of the cactus plants this year.  I usually have a lot more reblooms than I have had this year.  I do think I see a bud starting on one of my Amaryllis plants.  I hope makes it to blooming.


  1. What a sumptuous fabric!! Your cactus boom color is really so pretty --full of variety of shades...
    37 this morning and clouded over...warming trend in sight for the rest of the week...hugs, Julierose


  2. Good Morning!!! All my days seem to be Miscellany days! I saw that fabric several months ago... online. Haven't seen it since. Loved the preview I saw too. I have 4 of my cacti back in bloom. My pink hasn't stopped since late Oct. The 3 reds took several breaks and the white or maybe peach, hasn't bloomed at all. I think I have an Easter cactus too. We'll see. Its busy adding new leaves at the moment.

  3. That fabric is gorgeous and your cactus bloom is the same color pallet!

  4. What a great fabric. Love the colors and design.

  5. I really like her fabric- how to use it is the problem as I hate to break up her wonderful designs. When I see triangles, I always think stars, don't know why. No blooms here.

  6. Oh, that is a beautiful print! I know you'll come up with a wonderful way to set those triangles.

  7. “Rest and recharge” you certainly deserve it. . . What a magnificent half yard of fabric ! I can understand why you hesitate cutting into it. One design rolling right into another, difficult to see where you might select to cut. Talk about ‘recharging’ that piece certainly will help you recharge. And if anyone can use and improve this fabric it is. You , Wanda.


  8. What a glorious new fabric!
    That box of triangles just begs to become a quilt, doesn't it? The possibilities are wonderfully endless with triangles.


  9. Love your new fabric !
    Thanks for sharing the info on the selvage.

    Have you seen the triangle pattern Quilt Camp, from Marcia ?
    Although her triangles are not 45 degree...

    LOVE all your creativity ! Thanks for sharing.

  10. I can understand why you had to have that Anna Maria fabric. Same reason I came home with 5 new aboriginals the other day.

  11. Love your exuberant fabric!! Reminds me of the Australian fabric. You give us so much inspiration every day! Thanks so much!

  12. I also have a piece of the AMH fabric and love all the colour and pattern, I'm thinking to cut a few strips and possibly use in a vibrant log cabin.


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