
Monday, February 27, 2023

Bear Paw progress...........

Three hours of sewing last night, the center top to bottom 3 blocks and the 2 partial blocks at the right.  I need to cut some more variety of the long rectangles before I can continue.  I also need more dark center squares so that is my project during the day today.

My red cactus has 2 buds again. This one had several blooms in December, just a couple blooms in January and now these will be open in March.  This is one of the $10 purchases from W*lm*rt.  The ones in that price range are usually several little plants in one big pot so I'm thinking this is 3 different plants that have had buds.  I might re-pot the sections in smaller pots instead of leaving them in one big pot.



  1. My Walmart cactus is loaded with blooms, as well.

  2. Pretty cactus bloom. You are getting a lot of those blocks put together.
    28 here this morning--nice sunshine though--the calm before the storm I think--snow predicted overnight here. Hugs, Julierose

  3. I'm not sure where I got my cactus's, Wal-Mart or Lowe's about the only places here other than the expensive greenhouses which I like but I don't like the prices. I have 3 blooms on one none on the others.
    Love the Bear Paw

  4. The Bear Paw is coming along nicely! Looking at the picture of the quilt blocks and the cactus it looks like the cactus could have been the inspiration for the blocks. Some of the blocks are green and some blocks have redish tips like the blossoms of the cactus.

  5. It's not a Christmas cactus, it's an everyday cactus!

  6. My first thought was what ‘patty a’ said. Your Bear Paw blocks do seem to mimic the cactus leaves . Nice post today Wanda.


  7. Please share how you make your cacti bloom more than once a year. I rescued a throw-away half dead Christmas Cactus from the 50-cents shelf at W*mrt about twenty years ago. It has grown into a monster and blooms profusely once a year just after Thanksgiving. I no longer have large enough pots to transfer….LOL. I guess I need to Google how to separate & propagate.
    Beth in AL

  8. Looking good, both Bear Paw and cactus!


  9. Nice Bear Paw blocks Wanda. You have such a healthy looking cactus there, I must be doing something wrong with mine as it's certainly lacking the amount of greenery that yours has. Probably mine needs re-potting.


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