
Saturday, February 25, 2023

3 blocks and some cutting..........

Last night I sewed 3 of the new scrappy Bear Paw blocks.  They look a little dark so I'm going to make sure I add in more medium tones for the 4 big squares.  They are 14" so 20 blocks will be a minimum of 56" x 70".  I usually add a narrow sashing so I don't have all of the points matching edge to edge so that will increase the size.  I could also add a border like I did on the last one.

I spent the morning in the basement cutting pieces for 2 quilts with the Australian Aboriginal design fabrics.  The 16 dark strips on the right are all blending into each other in this photo.  I have to make a decision whether the blocks will be all high contrast or if I will add in some medium tones with the darks.  There is enough for 32 sixteen patch blocks cut so far and more fabrics are pressed waiting to be cut.  I'll wait to show the second quilt after I get a couple blocks pieced.


  1. Pretty Bear Paws blocks! You do such a good job matching them up...
    17 degrees early this morning and sunny--kind of a shock after being in the 40's for so long...hugs, Julierose

  2. Looking good! Love the wonderful Bear Paw blocks and those Aboriginal fabrics are delicious.
    Hope you're enjoying yourself as you make wonderful one-of-a-kind-on-the-planet quilts!


  3. I do like Australian prints and I plan to purchase some today. (I’m at QuiltCon.)

  4. Oooh, I like those Aussie prints!

  5. Stunning Bear Paw blocks and then to top it off those awesome fabrics, I can see you were a busy lady again yesterday.


  6. i do love that snail's trail a whole's got a quasi low volume look to it which usually isn't my style but this really grabbed me...mmmm mint meltaways...gotta be good!

  7. All those decisions with so many different fabrics, your brain will be working overtime!

  8. Your selection of Australian Aboriginal fabrics is amazing, especially I've fallen for the light ones, they look glorious together and I can't wait to see the start of the 16 patch.

  9. You have a lot of fabulous Aboriginal fabrics. So different than the ones I have.


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