
Thursday, January 12, 2023


I got a call yesterday that someone was driving 6 hours to see my great-grandchildren today so I had to drop everything and do some baking to send with them.  That took most of the day.  Last night I decided to just play with the triangle squares that I had already sewn and see if I could come up with a layout.  First was zig zag with matching  blocks next to each other.  No...I don't like this one.

Staying with the zig zag idea, I mixed up the fabrics on the left side.  That's better.

Then I tried this layout which I like the best of the 3.  I think all of the blocks will come off the design wall until I get the rest of them sewn.  

Today I will go down to the longarm which is what I had planned to do yesterday.  I'm feeling confident that it is going to work fine.



  1. I like the 3rd one, too the best...
    40 degrees here and raining--again!! We've only had a few peeks at the sun
    so far in about gloomy!! A good day to work on my borders--I hope they won't be waving back at me this time!! ;000
    hugs, Julierose

  2. I like your Diamond layout best also. The fabrics appear to be much softer looking than zig zag. Always fun too see the many designs you create with the same fabrics.,


  3. How nice of you to stop everything you were doing to bake goodies to send. The third picture shows off the fabrics really well.

  4. Aren't HSTs the best as there seem to be an infinite number of ways they can be put together! I just sent you an email with photos of another option for using your delightful HSTs.

    Wishing you well!

  5. Now this quilt really speaks to me. I love all 3 layouts and I love HST blocks. That's what I'll be sewing this weekend.


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