
Sunday, January 1, 2023

December 2022 monthly recap and Happy New Year!..........

 In December I had 2 finishes.  If I hadn't had so many problems when quilting the larger one I might have gotten another quilted.  Gridlock, the large one is my version of the one of the same name in Kaffe Fassett's book Glorious Patchwork.  It is 65" x 91".  I finished the top in late November 2021 so it took a year to get it in the quilting lineup.  The colorwash is 29.5" square and is made of all batik fabrics.

Two fairly large quilt tops were finally sewn together too.  The one on the left is #4 in a series of quilt tops made with the Kaffe Fassett yarn dyed woven stripes.  It is 59" x 79".  The one on the right started out with inspiration from an antique quilt but I wandered away from the design of the original and just did my own thing.  It is very scrappy, started with a lot of triangles cut from Kaffe collective fabrics and then I added batiks and a few plaids.  It is about 64" x 75.5".  It was a project I worked on only on Sundays.  Now I need to choose a new Sunday only project.

In August I posted this collage of 7 quilts I would like to finish in 2022 and I'm happy to say I quilted 5 of them by the end of the year.  The top left and middle bottom are still waiting their turn for a finish.

Happy New Year!!  Wasn't the Millennium just a couple years ago?  23 years later I think that is still the most memorable of the beginnings of a new year.  No resolutions here other than trying to keep my cutting tables cleared off.  That just means learning another good habit and practicing it often.


  1. Ha ha.. we were talking about our Y2K celebration last evening. It doesn't seem that long ago.

  2. Funny we were also saying that the Millennium celebration doesn't seem all that long ago!!
    You really accomplished a lot in your year. No resolutions here either,,,
    We are really fogged in here again this morning; hoping for the sun to come out and wipe it all away...46.7 degrees--but feeling raw out there...
    Hugs Julierose

  3. What a beautiful group of quilts you have done! Happy New Year

  4. Happy New Year to you, too. NO resolutions here - I really like the post Nancy posted on her Blogging, Near Philadelphia blog -

    BEAUTIFUL quilts in your photos - whether tops or finished quilts. You inspire me every single day. Thank you!

  5. Happy New Year and yes lets see if we can keep clearing off our cutting tables so we can keep making more

  6. What an exuberant, glorious riot of color! :) Thank you, Wanda, for the wonderful start to my days. You always inspire us to try new things!

  7. Beautiful selection of quilts! Loving all the Kaffe colour and the variety!

  8. Your photos today are like the end of the year fireworks in the sky. Exploding into sparkling glory with every piece you have created. Will look forward to the years collage coming up.


  9. I remember the millennium new year! I had my bath tub full of water and was holding my breath that everything didn't shut down when it changed to 2000!

    I just love your gridlock quilt. I am probably going to have to put that on my ever longer list of quilts I'd like to make!

    Happy new year!

  10. YES! Seems like 2000 was just a couple of years ago. You’ve had another great quilting year. I’m so happy to have had the chance to follow along. Happy New Year.

  11. Time just seems a blur sometimes. 2000 does not seem that long ago, and such things were forecast that never happened. Thank God!
    What a successful quilting/sewing year you've had. You continually amaze me with your skill, your creativity and your faithfulness to this blog. I am thankful, because I read it most days! Thank you, Wanda and a very Happy New Year to you! You are a blessing to me.


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