
Thursday, January 19, 2023

A little neutral progress............

All of the blocks I had sewn previously were pressed yesterday and I started playing at the design wall.  I don't want to go any farther until I get the rest of the blocks assembled so I get the variety spread out.  This will be a small quilt.  That means I'm not cutting any more triangles unless I need a couple to finish this.  Right now it is 42" wide and I think there are enough triangles to make it 66" long.

Rain last night and some predicted for today.  We are short of moisture this winter so this is a good thing.  January has been warmer than normal and that means snowfall is way below normal.  


  1. Well, it is raining real hard here now. The neutrals are subtle and quiet so far. It will be interesting to see it bigger.

  2. I can see a darker cross-cross pattern emerging with these neutrals...very nice...
    33 this morning and cloudy once more--we are supposed to get rain later on...since we've not had any snow, moisture is welcome--I keep on thinking of how dry everything gets in July/August these days...the cold, this year seems quite bitter here near the sea....
    hugs, Julierose

  3. The placement reminds me of a marble/stone floor.

  4. Love this layout for your neutrals and think this will be wonderful quilt. I look forward to your moving the HSTs until you're satisfied.

    We have rain today, too, and have had no snow yet. Odd January.


  5. I am really really really loving this quilt. The colors are subtle but ever so rich.

  6. Your neutrals is one of my favorites already. I know it’s going to finish with elegance.


  7. It’s a winter joy, bound to cheer you up as you snuggle up under it in your easy chair. Beautiful job, as usual.


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