
Saturday, January 7, 2023

A box of cut pieces.............

I was looking through the project boxes in the shelf unit under my ironing table.  In one I found piles of cut triangles, squares and rectangles.  There was also yardage that was possible additions to cut.

Every pile of triangles contained lots of different fabrics so I sorted them into like groups.  There are 12-16 triangles in each pile.  I laid 3 of the light fabrics next to them that I will cut triangles from to give me better contrast.  This looks like another mindless stitching project for TV nights.

This is one of the quilt tops I made in 2018 from the same group of fabrics.  In another box I have enough sewn 16 patch blocks to sew a quilt at least twice the size of this one....or 2 quilts this size.  There is something so soothing about all of these neutral colors.



  1. Those neutral and gray colors mimic our sky colors for the past two weeks
    here...I like beiges and grays together...

    It was only 35 this morning and not getting warmer after an hour...

    Back to re-arranging my finished crumb blocks...these are made from "leftover" leftovers (!)-- so the colors are more difficult to make at least a little sense of...working in short bursts on my design wall..
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. Yesterday I came across a leader/ender project that Gayle/Mangofeet got me hooked on several years ago (I don't remember what it's called) and I decided to take it to retreat next week to see if I can make more progress. It is just 4Ps of squares and HSTs.

  3. Your neutrals have an ‘icy fog’ frosting to them. And yes something very soothing about them. . Right now as I write this we are in an inversion of hoarfrost and fog, blanketing all.


  4. I agree, this is a very soothing, natural collection. I like it a lot and look forward to seeing what you do with it.

  5. I have lots of strips cut in a very similar color palette. One set was planned to become a sixteen patch so I'm delighted to see this finished top here today! Moody but oh so appropriate for this time of year.

  6. Soothing is a good word for it. The 16 patch is so beautiful. So great to have all those triangles already cut to play with.


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