
Thursday, January 5, 2023

3rd twig border............

While in the basement  doing laundry I'm continuing my large task of putting things where they belong instead of being piles everywhere.  I came upon this project and decided I needed to sew the border blocks together and see if they fit.  Luckily all 4 sides fit without having to make any adjustments.  Then I added the Martha Negley twig fabric border.  Now I need to decide what's next.  It is small, only 31.5" x 36".  It's definitely not a baby quilt.  I think it would be better as a lap quilt or throw quilt, depending on what I decide to add.

These 2 photos were taken in 2016, early in its construction.  At that time I was calling it a table runner.

This photo was taken in 2020 so you can see I had a hard time making any decisions on this piece.  Most of the time I just had to keep asking myself whether it was worth finishing.  There is something about it that I like, as chaotic as it is. 

Yesterday I needed to fill my gas tank and do some grocery shopping.  It's amazing how that wears me out.  


  1. that is a wild border and suits it. Yes grocery shopping can be tiring I was trying to find a storage box a certain size yesterday for one of the Christmas items still out and had no luck- I gave up - my husband said he would see if he could find one at some of the home improvement type stores he wanders through and found one larger than needed but also a bundle of bubble wrap so it will work with the padding. I just grew tired and frustrated looking

  2. I like the wild chaos of this, too. Keep going!

  3. It is fun seeing how this piece came to be...I like the wild border--;)))

    I get tired out from grocery shopping and almost any trips out in the car with the back, naps are in vogue this year for both of us;)))

    46 degrees and gray gray gray again...windy this morning too-- out of the ENE!! We may get some rain I feel...

    Luckily I can stay in and do some crumb work this morning..I will be making pork fried rice with our leftover pork chops from dinner 2 days ago...that should be yummy...hugs, Julierose.

  4. Love the twig border and the chaos! It's funny how over the years this quilt has grown. Grocery shopping wears me out too. I try to go early in the morning before there are too many people in the stores. Last week I was in the one store early, but the five people in the store all decided to check out at the same time so I had to wait in line for a while because only one cashier at 7:30 in the morning.

  5. So far I'm not too bad with getting groceries if I stick to the local-ish independent store. But going to big stores wears me out especially when there's a nearly-hour drive each way. And the time, energy, and gas money spent on NOT finding what I'm looking for is getting old! On-line ordering is looking more and more appealing to me.

    It might be a wee bit small, but I think this would be a great baby quilt! Babies love bright bold color and patterns. Pastels and cute are what we've been trained to think we should make for babies.

  6. Chaotic and most interesting! I like the Freddy Moran black/white borders. Do you think this is the size you'll end up with or would another round of blocks and borders work?

    I'm trying to get up to speed after a short holiday break.

  7. I like it, too. But isn't it funny how inspiration will strike and suddenly you know what to do next!

  8. Exuberant, exciting, full of electric energy pops off the screen from your find yesterday. Great way to begin 2023. Love it !


  9. Love the way this is growing, lots of colour!


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