
Friday, December 23, 2022

Stocking finished............

 I knew I needed to go into the studio early yesterday and finish the Christmas stocking before I did anything else and it was finished by 1 p.m.  It took me about 4 hours total to make it including time looking for the fabric, looking for the embroidery pattern and then the embroidery and all of the cutting and construction.  I took my time and didn't have to rip out any stitches.

While I was making 2 more batches of Chex Mix for the local family members I sorted my large Kaffe collective scraps.  I was looking for some that will work in Colorwash (pile on lower cabinet, low volume lights and everything else (large prints, duplicates).

Here are the low volume prints spread out a little more.

There was one more group, the small scraps.  Some of them will get cut into triangles soon.

Yesterday it was 28 degrees in the morning and the snow started around 9 a.m.  We didn't get much snow but it was blowing around with the strong winds.  By 10:30 last night it was down to -8 degrees.  Next Thursday they are predicting 47 degrees; so much variation in our weather.


  1. Beautiful stocking, lucky Miles! I'd be tempted to produce another couple to have on hand for future additions?

    We are still getting rain here in VA but its supposed to turn much colder later today and I need to go out and make sure there is nothing sitting with rain from yesterday and this AM that would turn into ice by tonight! Don't envy you the cold and snow!


  2. It's -2 here this morning with light snow. The stocking turned out great.

  3. The stocking turned out fabulous! I will catch up with you when I am back to the computer Jan. 3rd. Have a safe and happy holiday season!

  4. Well, I better comment while I can. The winds reached here in Buffalo just in the last half hour. My area is predicted to have wind between 55-70 which means power outages. We are in the direct path of the Lake Effect this time. All Christmas plans cancelled. I just got over all the Covid disappointment and the holidays, and now am facing this crazy declared blizzard. I feel so bad for small business owners who were forced to close today. Lovely stocking!

  5. The stocking you made for Miles is just too cute. He will love it. It was 15 degrees here this morning, quite unusual for us this time of year.

  6. Just a lovely Christmas stocking--I like the darker cuff making the name stand out so well.
    Just windy and rainy here--54 here when I got up but temps are now 52--that cold front is moving our way...we are in for some frigid temps, too...
    Stay warm...hugs, Julierose

  7. I love the embroidery on Miles sock. The precise detail is amazing. And most of all this design says Merry Christmas like none other, just warms my heart.

    Plus Colorwash kits in the making, your days are always so full of creative fun.


  8. The front reached us at 9 AM this morning, right when predicted. It's snowing and blowing and the temp has dropped from 39 at 8 AM to 15 at 1:30PM. Low is supposed to be 7. I have no place I have to go, so I'll hunker down and wait it out.

  9. Beautiful Christmas stocking! It will be an heirloom. Stay warm!

  10. That stocking is adorable! What a great gift for a little one.

    My mom used to make Chex mix every year and I love it. Now you've got me craving some and I have icy roads and am just going to have to deal with it!

  11. The stocking turned out great! I love weather and how massively variable it can be.

  12. I've just made a start on my scrap sorting, I think it's going to be a never ending task! You have a nice collection of low volume prints to add to the mix.


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