
Saturday, November 26, 2022

Sewn, not pressed...........

The sewing of the quilt top was done at 11:15 last night so it was too late to press it and photograph it.  I really thought I would finish it earlier in the day and start sewing the next quilt top.  Since the end of the month is creeping closer I may look through my tops and see if I can get one more quilted this month.

It was another nice day yesterday and I looked around outside but decided there isn't anything left to do.  I will cut the hydrangeas back in the early spring.  One more nice day and then rain and chilly on Sunday.



  1. You are really moving along with this one---
    It was so windy yesterday that almost all the leaves left on our lawn were blown away--I think mowing may be done for this year.
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. Good job done, that was a long day for you yesterday. Top looks pretty all fluffed up in the photo.


  3. It's supposed to be near 50 today, so I'll get the hose put away and a couple of pots stowed in the garage. Then I'll be done outdoors, too.

  4. Those green and blue stripes are so gorgeous!

  5. Those colors are so pretty. Looking forward to seeing this one in the finished column.

  6. In the previous post you said the blue/green coloway looked rather boring compared to the brights. Yes, in comparison-- but here, on its own, the blue/green is so calm and soothing!


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