
Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Mindless sewing..............

I still haven't made it to the ironing table with my quilt top.  We have a couple rainy days coming so I'll probably get serious about it.  Meanwhile I needed to sew while watching NCIS so I grabbed some Kaffe collective 2.5" strips and started sewing them together.  This will be a fast quilt.

I decided to trim back all of my tomato plants, the dead and unproductive branches, so the remaining tomatoes could get some air circulation and sunshine.  That was about an hour job.

While outside I noticed the Viburnum bush is turning color.

Only 2 or 3 branches turn pretty color.  The rest stays green and then brown and when dry the leaves drop off.

My new backyard neighbor was out with her 2 cute white dogs so we talked for a long time.  I showed her my front gardens too.  Since my back garden is rather wild I wanted her to see the manicured garden.

This is the tree across the street that keeps dropping big branches.  The city doesn't see any need to take it down.  I think they should cut the high, mostly dead branches off.  It is a pretty tree in the fall, nice to view out my front window.

The neighbor to the south had a flowering crabapple tree that used to be beautiful.  About 6 years ago big sections were dying and it has been totally dead for 3 years.  Sunday I saw this and it looks like it just fell over.  I wonder if he gave it a good push......


  1. sometimes a big old tree can grow better if parts of it were cut off - maybe eventually they will - but with the tree on the corner of the street I hope a branch doesn't fall on top of some one. It doesn't take a storm to do that after all - last month we had a dead tree that was surrounded by others and we didn't walk near it and it just toppled over one day falling into the other trees safely as we hoped it would without hiring someone to cut it.
    Are your tomatoes still producing then? mine are so much in the shade now I don't think they will ripen and will need to pick them

  2. That tree across the street has pretty leaves, but looks like an accident waiting to happen. In the past few weeks, a tree service has been working in my neighborhood trimming all the trees near power lines. I am glad to hear your new backyard neighbor is friendly.

  3. We used to have a huge old gnarled apple tree right on the front near the road--in a storm 4 years ago it cracked down to the ground just missing our car in the driveway! We had to have it it removed. since then all our neighbors comment on how they miss seeing it as they near the top of our hill as much as we do as in the Spring it was a riot of blossoms. At the time it seemed an end of an era!
    Your Viburnum is just lovely in its Fall colors...
    Coolish here again only 40 this morning...hugs, julierose

  4. Do you cut the 2.5 in strips in half and them sew them together and then into two pairs of 4 strips?

  5. The seasons are definitely changing where you are. We’re still a bit behind here though the days aren’t quite as hot.

  6. Thanks so much for sharing the strips block. It helped me master a pile of two inch strips into a scrappy kids quilt and now they are out of my sewing room!


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