
Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Sewing again............

I had enough pieces cut Sunday to start making the pieced blocks for the Karla Alexander quilt called The Square Within (in her Color Shuffle book).  These are the smaller of the 2 pieced blocks.

This is another group I made after I took the above photo.

The idea is to have many different sizes of the center piece in the block.  I have made 12 of 36 in the small category.  Then I will do the same thing with the larger cut pieces for another 36 blocks.

Someone in the family is going to visit the 3 great-grands that live a distance from here so I started baking.  These are the shortbread cookies.

Then later in the day I baked chocolate chip cookies.  It was in the 40s yesterday morning and 61 degrees in the house when I got up.  I don't want to turn on the heat yet because it is going to go up to the 70s starting Friday.  With the natural gas prices at an extreme high I can get by with baking and wearing flannel shirts to keep warm.


  1. I'm afraid that would be too cold for me and the heat would be on - but baking sounds fun

  2. What pretty blocks--neat idea that the center of each block is slightly different!! Those cookies look delish;))'
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. It is wonderfully cool in the mornings now - the leaves are beginning to turn (as much as they ever do here) and the light slants so differently than just a few weeks ago. Even with high gas prices, try not to let yourself get too chilly (like us, I am sure you have plenty of quilts to snuggle under).

  4. Those large prints look great in those blocks! The cookies look so good! My upper level where the kitchen and my bedroom are stays warmer than the lower level where my sewing studio is so I won't be turning on the heat anytime soon.

  5. ‘Square With in’ I knew this one would be a fun one to watch grow.

    Special cookies from their special great grandma .


  6. Bet the great-grands had a delicious time feasting on the cookies.


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