
Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Playing with stash............

I finished sewing the Arboretum quilt top together but just couldn't turn on the iron.  Why? Because I have several things lined up to iron and it just wasn't the right day to do it.

Instead I started looking for fabrics for the next in line to be cut.  Which one?

I showed this photo from a Karla Alexander book (Color Shuffle) and so many of you were encouraging that yes, I should make my version of it after looking at it for 13 years and stopping for hours analyzing the pattern and the fabrics in it.  The photo above is some fabrics that are in the quilt in the book.  I had the yellow version of one that is pink in the book.  Second from the left in the light fabrics probably isn't the one in the book but I like it in there anyway.

Here are some additional light fabrics that I think will work in it.  There are only 6 light and 6 dark fabrics called for in the directions but you know I can't make a quilt with just 12 fabrics.

Here are 7 additional dark fabrics and a light fabric.  I'm not sure the light lavender will stay.  In the book all of the lights are yellow, pink and lt. green.  There are a couple of fabrics in the original quilt that I'm going to keep looking for.  I haven't been diligent about putting away fabrics for the last 6 months so I could find them in a pile, or maybe I don't have them.  And that is how I got through a very hot humid day.


  1. Cool looking pattern
    Can't wait to see your spin on it

  2. That is a really neat pattern--should be fun putting it together...
    hugs, julierose

  3. Many years and a couple of houses ago my sewing room was in the spare bedroom. A friend came over for dinner. When she saw the ironing board in that room she promptly called it "your ironing room."

    The new design will look terrific in those prints.

  4. You? Twelve fabrics? Not a chance! Have fun choosing the other dozen(s) from the stash.

  5. Oh, I know you’ll put together another stunner! This will be a fun one to watch develop.


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