
Tuesday, September 13, 2022

More green blocks............

As I was getting these photos ready for posting I thought about the whole process of making 6 blocks.  Some people who don't sew have the impression the pieces are just laying next to our machines ready to sew.  You know, the question, how long did it take you to make that quilt.  First there is the searching for just the right fabrics, then turn on the iron and press them and then cut the pieces. 

Then we get to go to the the machine, wind bobbins, clean out the lint, and then sew the blocks.  It's almost impossible to keep track of the time, especially the part about looking for the fabrics.  But the best part is I love every minute of it.

Here are some of the quarter yards of the Kaffe fall 2022 collective that were in the assortment I purchased.  I love this color range.

Since I love yellow and this is a really large print I got a yard of it.

And some more quarter yard pieces.

I donated more yards to a worthy cause than I brought in with the new Kaffe fall 2022 line so my total stash is actually a little smaller.

We got another .45" of rain early yesterday and it was in the high 50s most of the day until the sun came out and it got up to 63.  A week from now they are predicting a couple days near 90.  This is pretty typical of September in northern IL. We don't put away the summer clothes yet.  In fact you will see some people in my town wearing shorts on every warm day all year.

Sandwich IL where I live had a population of 7351 in the 2020 census.  Over this past week with the DeKalb county fair at our local fairground there were 161,347 people attending.  Some people have passes and go every day so they are not in the count.  This is the biggest event of the year here.


  1. we have had 2 cool days and will be back to 90 or close to it today - I had the windows open 2 days in a row but back to shut by afternoon I think.
    Yes people do not realize how long it takes to find the right colors

  2. It is finally really raining out there this morning. Still a warm 69 and muggy...
    I love the greens you've found. And yes, how do you account for the time spent in the making of blocks? Sometimes just even getting an idea or colorway etc takes the longest for me...hugs, Julierose

  3. Yeah, THAT question! My favorite part is coordinating fabrics from my stash. Most of the time that pile never gets into a quilt because I end up scavenging some of it for another quilt. At 7:30 a.m. it's only 50 degrees here on the Plateau. I think I'll do some gardening today!

  4. I too get asked that question all the time especially with my t-shirt quilts. It is hard to keep track of the "thinking" time that goes into every quilt! I now tell people for every t-shirt it is 3 hours work.

    I am loving the graphic prints! The blue and orange stripe, that wacky Marbly circle print, the dots - all just fabulous! Where did you buy your fabric from? I may have to breakdown and buy some.

  5. Yes! The contemplating and deliberation time can take longer than sewing. I think that indecision is a big impediment to accomplishment. I hate to dither.

  6. I love your greens today! And to "that" question, DH and I both answer with "a lifetime." Why? Because it has taken us that long to learn all that we know (including all sorts of relationships, colors, balance, insight,personal taste, etc. etc.) not to mention the skill sets we bring to our wood art (his) and quilting (mine). It makes people scratch their heads and yet, they get it more than if we tried to explain the hours and hours of deliberation, contemplation, experimentation, plus all the steps of the actual physical making. But like you, I love every phase of the process.

  7. Greens are so refreshing and I know will compliment your Arboretum in the works.

    OMG~ every one of your Kaffe pieces are beautiful ! What a grand selection.

    Its so rare for anyone to sew quilts or otherwise, those that have never sewn are clueless what it takes to create any sewing project. I wonder if any non sewers check out your blog ?


  8. I love all your fabrics. You have exquisite taste! As for the steps to construct a quilt, you left off prewashing, unless you do not prewash!

  9. P.S. Where do you buy these fabrics?

  10. Two questions that irritate me:
    -How long did it take to make it?
    -What are you going to do with it?

    My polite responses:
    -I am usually working on several pieces at the same time so it is hard to measure that.
    -For now I am going to enjoy it.

    My inner thoughts:
    -What a stupid question.
    -Are you interested in buying it?

  11. Love your blog. I grew up in Mendota but live on the east coast now. Attending the Sandwich Fair is on my bucket list. I will get there one of these days. Have a great week.

  12. Such wonderful fabrics and wonderful blocks. The two questions I hate: how long does it take to make a quilt? and how much did it cost? Neither have anything to do with creating a quilt.

  13. I love fairs. So fun to eat fair food and see the crafts. My dad who is 91 loves the horse pulls out here. Yes quiltmaking is a process that takes lots of time. Sometimes people think you just whip em up


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