
Sunday, September 18, 2022

Filled in......................

All of the spaces are filled in but I can see a few blocks I want to move to different positions.  The blocks on the right are some I pulled out when I put in the last batch of Charley Harper blocks.

These are the new ones I worked in last night.  Now I just have to play with the arrangement a little more and then I can start sewing sections together.

The Dianthus in the back garden is having one more cycle of blooming before winter.

There are a few new Coneflower blooms.

This is what most of the Coneflowers look like.  The Goldfinches have been busy eating the seeds in several of the centers.

Two of the Lenten roses have sent up new shoots of brighter green leaves.  The third plant which is the one that bloomed this year, is to the right back in the shadow behind some ferns.  It was the largest of the 3 plants to start out and it didn't send up any new leaves.  I hope all three will bloom next year.


  1. I so enjoy the photos of your plants and flowers. Your Charlie trees, as I’m calling your quilt, is coming along beautifully. I’m always amazed to see how much fabric is taken up in the seams…..

  2. This quilt is just spectacular- a real gem. You have certainly worked your experience and magic with this one. I have one David Austin rose that sent out a nice spray of pink roses this week. The goldfinches, who I normally never see, have been here in happy chirping droves devouring the seeds of the coneflowers.

  3. the quilt top looks really good. I am back to watering plants here the drought is here for the rest of the year the weatherman says but at least next week it should get cooler and these hot temperatures should go away again - hopefully for the rest of the year!

  4. WOW this is a spectacular big quilt!! the addition of those CH prints really moves your eyes around so well. It is gorgeous Wanda!! Wonderful work on this hugs, Julierose

  5. Such a happy fun quilt top to see, entertains me every time I see it. Arboretum is like one of those 1,000 piece puzzles, I think it’s all in order and tells a great story now. Anxious to see what you move around to make it even better. And if you do change a few pieces I know I will love it too.


  6. One of my Lenten roses sent out some blooms recently! Something got into my cora bell bed and ate the leaves of of many of my plants including the ones you sent me. I fixed up the fence again and they now seem to be recovering.


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