
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Opening a can of worms...............

This photo is from 5 years ago of a table that sat next to the far wall of my kitchen before you enter my studio.  We were using for a serving table at this Thanksgiving photo.  It was one of 2 tables against that wall that I moved yesterday.  I mopped the kitchen floor so I could proceed with the next step.

This shot shows the whole wall and my window that I sit next to when I am eating.

This is the other table that was against that wall.  These 2 tables were there in addition to the kitchen table that I mentioned a few days ago (that my grandson disassembled and removed from my house).  This one was purchased at the sewing machine store where I worked part time.  There is a door on each end of the table with storage for a sewing machine with a shelf above for misc.  For me the shelf will be for all of my placemats and the storage area below will be for small appliances like my air fryer.

There are 2 leaves that lift up to make a large work area.  In my case this will become my kitchen table.  It is lower than most kitchen tables and that works fine for me since I'm only a little over 5' tall.  I'm planning on lowering the leaf after every meal (no flat surface, no piling).

I have a huge cutting table in my studio which I can't open all the way in there so I'm planning on bringing it out to the kitchen and putting it against the wall.  I didn't get that far yesterday.  Going through "stuff" is just so tiring.  Today I need to wheel the cutting table out to the kitchen and then vacuum the studio.  Then the table in the first photo will go into the studio and I'll try some different arrangements of furniture.  I'm trying to make it easier to take photos of the design wall in there.  I need to take a break from that and press the backing for the next quilt to finish also and get it loaded on the longarm.  I may be living with a mess for a few days.



  1. It sure is tiring going through and moving stuff around...physically and mentally !!
    Hope you like the new arrangement. hugs, Julierose

  2. I think repurposing this table in your kitchen is a great idea and very efficient use of what you already have. Don't wear yourself out too much to work on your projects! (We're very hopeful for rain here this week.)

  3. You certainly let no moss grow under your feet. I understand your mindset in moving things so they work better for what you do. People who sit and home and just stream things all day do not understand. I turned my living room into my sewing studio and took over the basement with my longarm. When people visit, they shake their heads and I see the dislike in their eyes. My whole life I wanted a working studio and that is what I have. Now, if I could live in a big barn, I would have it all.

  4. That is such a monumental task. I hope the rearrangement works well for you.

  5. I know you will love the new arrangement in the end but it's a lot of work! Every time I attempt to do a "small"rearrangement it always turns into a big ordeal but it's worth it in the end.

  6. Ah it is satisfying to see what you are doing about household arrangements as this is something I frequently ponder around here. Going through stuff is exhausting; I try to send something out the door beyond routine recycling each week (glacial decluttering.....) and theoretically there should be more space eventually, right?


  7. We helped a female friend move into her "new to her" house after a divorce. She is a quilter and was planning to set up her studio space upstairs. We all encouraged her to set it up in the enormous open downstairs area - quilting machine in the dining room, stash and studio in the living room. AND SHE DID. When it is your house, you should use it the way it makes sense for you. I am so glad YOU have done and are continuing to do that!

  8. I understand how one thing can lead to another! At least you found a way not to have to buy a new table for your kitchen. It will be interesting to see all the treasures you uncover in this rearranging mission!

  9. I’ve been watching how many steps you’ve been taking lately, now I know why. (*._.*). Great progress and fun to see your new arrangement. I so enjoy you sharing your days with us, many surprises . I agree with Mary …”don’t wear yourself out.”


  10. I so want to do a major rearrangement in my house, but there is still so much inventory left from my late husband's political memorabilia collection to sell or otherwise dispose of, that I don't know when I'll get to it. One step at a time I guess.

  11. Organizing and cleaning is a huge process but it always feels so good when it's done. I have a friend coming for a two-week visit in a few days and I told her last night that one of our projects while she's here is to clean up my sewing room! We do this every time she visits!

  12. Good on you for your re-arranging to suit y our needs right now! I think a little of that may well be in my very near future! I have so enjoyed reading your posts over the past few days Wanda, sorry not to leave comments but you know the story. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your triangle squares as you move along.

  13. Oh boy, do I know what happens when you decide to "rearrange and organize." A can of worms, indeed! My kitchen is ALMOST done. Then I have to get rid of the crap I don't need any more!

    And I know about the "piling". I have a big dining room table, and it is almost always at least 50% covered with stuff.

    good luck!

  14. Yes rearranging and organizing is a strenuous task for sure. I need to some of that here before the winter rolls in.


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