
Sunday, August 14, 2022

Cleaning up.........


Once again I'm attempting to clean off table tops.  I came across a pile of scraps and decided to cut them into logs for my ongoing project.  6 more blocks makes 22 total.  I need more light pieces so when I find a pile of light scraps I'll do some more cutting.

What do you do on a nice cool Saturday?  Bake of course.  I had a half package of frozen cinnamon rolls that I wanted out of my freezer.  They were all frozen in a heap so I had to microwave on a thaw cycle so I could pull them apart and let them rise.  There was a packet of cream cheese frosting in the bag too.  I ate one right away while warm, put 3 in the freezer and left 2 out for the next 2 mornings' breakfasts.

It has been a really strange summer for tomatoes.  We normally get some really hot days in the summer but this year we had several hot days in a row a few times and the tomatoes stopped ripening each of those times.  Now I'm back to a bountiful harvest again.  We have just 70s and low 80s predicted all week.

I love August.  Even though some plants are starting to dry up there are always the few stragglers that are just getting going into full bloom.  In August the days are so bright, the air so clear.  I think I would know it was August even if I didn't have a calendar to go by.  There have been a few years when August has been way too hot and humid but the normal August here in northern IL is ...well it is hard to put into words....clear, bright, blue skies, and the air just feels so pure.  By the end of August more plants will begin to dry up, seed heads being prepared for winter.  This is the last chance to enjoy summer.  Temperatures are down in the 50s to mid 60s at night for good sleeping with windows open.  Any day that I can have windows open is a good day.


  1. August is usually the hottest here but this year it started by mid June. It is beginning to get better - I woke up to 64 for the first time in months

  2. Only 56 this morning early on; this feels more like September than August--but
    I am not complaining--that awful humidity has vanished. At least for now...
    I like those log cabin blocks... hugs, Julierose

  3. You seem to have got a lot done in the past 2 days. Your garden is looking so pretty and the tomatoes look yummy as well. It's 2pm here at the moment and we have 29c/84f! It's thankfully going to start cooling down starting tomorrow. A hose pipe ban starts in my area August 26th. with rain predicted for next Tuesday (fingers crossed) :)

  4. Nice photos to view on a Sunday morning…..

    We’ve had a month of high 90 degree afternoons but always cool nights. With over night temps in the 40’s. Always interesting to read what your other followers are reporting for weather all over the country and even England.


  5. Well, I could use a cinammon roll right now. I love those little blocks. The garden here does not look so great right about now. Just too dry and everything has that yellowed look. Still hoping for rain to change things up.

  6. What are those little yellow flowers in the last picture? I saw those when the band went to Hamilton, Ohio, and I saw them again when I was in Sugarcreek on Saturday. They are a cute plant. I would like to get some seeds and try them out next year to see if the deer eat them or not.


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