
Monday, August 1, 2022

Busy inside and out............

In the afternoon yesterday I quilted this yellow quarter square triangle quilt that I loaded the day before.

I used YLI yellow variegated thread on top and Superior Bottom Line in yellow in the bobbin.  Batting is Hobbs 80/20.

The quilting pattern is loops.  When I was taking the photo above "Loop Soup" popped into my head.  Maybe that is a good name for all over loops.......... maybe not.

I usually do the previous month recap on the first of the month but I just finished the binding on this one at 11 p.m. yesterday and it was way too late to try to hang it for its full photo.

After I finished the quilting I went out and pulled all of the weeds on this end of the tomato bed by my driveway and spread the leaf mulch.  This was a 'down on the knees' job...not a lot of fun.

This is the end of the bed that I cleaned up Saturday.  There are Hostas planted there too as well as 3 pots of plants.

This shows the whole driveway garden, 6 tomato plants, 3 pots and 4 Hostas with my neighbors' car as a backdrop.

After I finished all of that I mowed the backyard and part of the side yard.  Now the humidity is rolling in so I'm done outside.


  1. The bed alongside your driveway looks wonderful! We had a weekend filled with rain - hooray! It has been ages and ages since we had a full day of rain - it was such a joy. The humidity is very high today - it feels like a sauna outside (I am staying inside). Your yellow quilt looks GREAT!

  2. The yellow is very bright and happy!!!

  3. Your driveway garden looks great! I know what you mean about being on your knees weeding. It took me 2 1/2 hours to get the majority of the weeding done on my center flower bed and I was on my knees at least two hours. Today I sure am feeling it! The yellow quilt is so pretty!

  4. WOW you did a lot of hard work yesterday!! You deserve a bit of R&R today for sure;)))
    Love the Loop Soup design on hour 1/2 sq triangle piece. Came out so well.

    A bit of rain here today 0.17"--better than nothing--and perhaps a bit more will fall--fingers crossed. and....
    We managed to get out between sprinkles and take a short (very muggy!!) walk...
    then I made us a [requested] banana bread in my bread machine--that will do me for this morning... hugs, stay cool there Julierose

  5. I know it feels good to get so much accomplished in a day, and you did a great job…. From your quilting to your garden and lawn .

    We’ve had three continual days of 102 degrees, good excuse to stay in the afternoon. Only supposed to hit 99 today. The heat is a energy zapper for sure.


  6. The yard work looks good! Do you purchase the leaf mulch, or do you save the leaves off your own trees and make your own every year? I really need to start mulching more, not only for weeds, but to conserve moisture. And to cut down my foul language while I'm out there weeding.
    I don't know that I'll ever figure out why quilting makes any quilt top so much better. Maybe it's the "cozy, cuddle, curl up for a nap" factor it adds?

  7. I think I found the energizer careful out in the heat. It's crazy hot everywhere

  8. You made a huge accomplishment in the look of the gardens. The yellow quilt is so happy and smiley. We have one day of mid 70s today and then back to hi heat/humidity tomorrow. Still need rain.


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