
Saturday, July 9, 2022

Sewing while it rained...........

We had nice gentle rain most of the day yesterday and got .7" total.  Areas south of us got over an inch and the day before north of us got 3".  A lot of the storms fell apart in intensity as they neared us earlier in the week.  I doubt this will turn the grass all green but it should look a little better.

But a rainy day is a sewing day.  I got 8 more of the Arboretum blocks sewn.  The next batch will have branches that are at less of an angle from the trunk..  I need to have variety.

The double Impatiens in the hanging pots loved the rain.  They had a lot of buds just waiting to open.

Yes, those are mostly Violets growing beneath the pots.  I will probably pull a lot of them out today while the ground is wet.

I put just one 6" potted plant in each hanging basket and they really filled out well.

The tomato plants are getting tall.  The 2 back cages are 60" tall and I think the front ones are about 45" tall.  The 3 pots to the left of the raised bed are the volunteer plants.  The middle pot is black so it is hard to see it.

The purple Coneflowers are blooming just about everywhere in that garden now.


  1. Your blocks look great! I started yesterday as well but only got one block finished as it was late. I need to remember to use more contrast between background and branches.

  2. The Arboretum blocks are really pretty...nice variety on those branches...
    Boy those tomatoes are HUGE!! You should get a nice crop from them...
    No rain here yet and none predicted in the future 10 days!! Dry as dust///
    hugs, Julierose

  3. I'm glad someone got the rain!! your plants and yard are really looking good. I have pulled out some plants and will let the remaining tomatoes stay for another week or so but they might get pulled in the next couple weeks if the heat stays like this - I had enough tomatoes to make a huge pot of pasta sauce and froze 3 containers of it and had one for supper last night

  4. Our tomatoes are withering in this heat - not sure (even though we are watering them) if they will survive the summer. They're loaded with big green tomatoes now. And all we had was thunder and lightning overnight - maybe 3 droplets of rain. Scary stuff this year's summer weather.

  5. I really like the precise pattern of your tree blocks and the variety you can create with them.

    What lovely baskets of double Impatiens's that have exploded in the baskets. And I’ve never see tomato plants that tall before. Delicious bounty ahead for you.


  6. I'm so happy you got some rain and your tomatoes are looking great. Curious to see how your tree blocks develop.

  7. Love seeing your Arboretum blocks coming together. I'm thinking of making another one this fall. Please send your rain west to Colorado.

  8. I love your Arboretum blocks!

  9. It's a rainy day here today too and it's a perfect day int he sewing room.

  10. I wish we had some rain. It is so dry here. The new blocks look terrific.

  11. Your garden is SO pretty and looks refreshed. I'm jealous of your rain, but we are supposed to get some next week. I can't wait.
    The Arboretum blocks are really coming along. It's going to be another colorful masterpiece!

  12. I love how your Arboretum is looking. I have a far less colorful improv tree UFO started long ago. That was before I saw the gorgeous Springleaf Studio version and decided to put my trees away for awhile. (They paled in comparison, ha ha). Comparison is the thief of joy or so they say. So maybe I should dig that UFO out and see where I was.

    Thankfully we have had lots of rain lately but that makes for no garden time and lots of weeds.

  13. Love arboretum. Yeah I did a's all your fault lol


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