
Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Out of sight, out of mind............

 Almost a month ago I was going through my light batiks, pulling out some that I was not in love with.  At that time I put this group together thinking they might be nice together in a quilt.  They have been hanging over the back of my sewing chair ever since.  I have many groups like that in piles all over the studio.  It is like I thought I would use them right away so I shouldn't put them on the shelf.  Well, guess what, they are up on the shelf now.  Definitely not candidates for my next project but hopefully they will stay together.

I mowed the front and side yard yesterday in 2 sessions.  It was cooler but I still got too hot about half way through.  It was best to not try to do it all at once.  I cut down a lot of volunteer brush in the back garden as it got cooler toward evening.

The roses are still looking good.  I have never seen roses with so many packed petals before.


  1. I call that "curating" my stash. Gorgeous roses!

  2. I love that stack of batiks - if you don't want them I do LOL love those roses!!

  3. You have such a wonderful variety of prints in your stash. I need to mow too. It is suppose to be cooler this week with the high in the 80's so I will mow in sessions like you do. The roses are beautiful!

  4. Lovely batik stack you have pulled there!! Take care mowing--when it's this hot and humid --
    Those roses are so beautiful;))) they look like old fashioned roses...
    hugs, Julierose

  5. It is kind of funny. The batiks you pulled and the tones in the roses match.

  6. I can almost smell the roses. I have to go through a fabric cull, since I buy it by the pound, I have to send some back to thrift.

  7. There is beauty in your stash you put back on the shelf. I like the way they all looked so good together.

    Roses ~ they are so unique with the petals so tight together and still so beautiful after so many days.


  8. Oh how so many of can relate to those “marinating” stacks of fabrics … and such pretty roses!

  9. Sometimes I feel like I have new fabric because I only now see it to nice stash. Your roses are so pretty but please be careful mowing.edpecially in this awful heat the country is experiencing.

  10. A familiar story with the fabric groups, I decide to put them away and then forget which drawer or shelf they are currently living on.

  11. I agree, those roses are fully than I have ever seen also.
    You do have a one of a kind stash.


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