
Thursday, July 14, 2022

21 Arboretum blocks.............

I didn't sew any more Arboretum blocks but got the last 2 pressed and trimmed so they could join the rest.

I started basting the little yellow zig zag quilt.  I'm using a Mountain Mist cotton batting than needs to be quilted every inch.  I'm planning on ditch quilting the zig zags first and then filling it in with more lines echoing those.  I'll use my Pfaff with dual feed for that.

I have seen several Monarch butterflies on my cone flowers this week.  It is supposed to be one of their favorite flowers.  The bugs are busy taking bites out of the petals too.

The pretty Coleus plants are in a pot by the tomato plants along the driveway.

I think I had 4 different kinds of tomato plants in the raised bed last year so I don't know which variety was the seed for this volunteer plant.  I have a feeling it is the small tomato, larger than a grape tomato that is good for sun dried tomatoes.  They were also delicious in salads.  I'm wondering what the other 2 volunteer plants are now.  There are still more volunteers behind the raised bed but they aren't getting enough sunlight so they are spindly.  There a couple more good size plants near the front of the bed that I may tie to stakes and just let them grow where they are.


  1. Love love love your aboretum blocks. Wows all can say. So beautiful

  2. The Arboretum blocks look better and better the more you put them all together I think. My first two look kinda "blah" to me; so seeing the impact of yours all together inspires me to continue working on some...thanks for sharing.

    Your crop of tomatoes looks promising...hugs, Julierose

  3. Great plant life! I have not seen any Monarchs, but in addition to the coneflowers, I am growing swamp milkweed (not blooming yet). The Arboretum blocks look fantastic.

  4. love those "tree" blocks and your plants look so good - mine not so much - I think soon they will say conserve water and I don't know if they will say no watering of outside plants or not so I am trying to give them what I can now but we are in a drought but they haven't classified it severe at this point

  5. Your tree blocks are so pretty. I got almost an inch of rain yesterday - woohoo! I have been so busy this week that I haven't checked my zucchini. I check my traps then head inside. Your tomatoes are quite prolific!

  6. Multi-hued coleus are our go-to for the multiple large pots (almost are are "part sun" spots) in the back yard. Their bright lime green with occasional reds and pinks look so fresh (even in this heat) against the gray fence boards. Your Arboretum blocks are really looking good and I like how you have angled the branches differently throughout.

  7. Arboretum blocks grow more exciting by the day. So good to see them all together. And lots of hours ahead on basting and stitching your lovely yellow zig-zag.


  8. I am LOVING those Arboretum blocks. They are gorgeous. I love coleus, too. I grow from seed, so get lots of variety.


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